Electricity in Israel is on the way to upgrade: this is the plan in which billions will be invested

by time news

The increase in the price of electricity (photo by shutterstock, pexels)

After the Electricity Authority published the hearing for the development plan for the electricity network for the delivery segment, the Authority publishes a public tender for consulting and support services for the supervision and control of the development plan for the delivery segment in the electricity network for the years 2023-2030.

The development plan that was submitted to the authority by the system manager – the Nega company and will be carried out by the electric company, includes hundreds of projects related to the expansion of the layout and upgrading of electricity transmission lines, the establishment of substations and substations, and more.

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The cost of the program includes investment volumes estimated at approximately NIS 17 billion, this is in addition to an investment of NIS 4 billion for projects that have already begun. So the tender will deepen the supervision of the Electric Company in the execution of projects with a total cost of about NIS 21 billion.

This is a program with an unprecedented scale of investments, the purpose of which is to accelerate the development of the electricity network infrastructure and its adaptation to the increase in demand for electricity in accordance with the needs of the economy – the introduction of electric vehicles, the absorption of renewable energies and the increasing electrification of transportation and industry. In some systems, this is almost double the addition of the existing situation that was built over decades within a decade.

In order to monitor the implementation of the development plan, the Authority operates mechanisms to supervise, monitor and control the execution of the projects in accordance with the deadlines set in the development plan. As part of these mechanisms, the Authority publishes periodic reports to monitor and control the implementation of the program as a whole, as well as in-depth reports to monitor the implementation of selected projects with a systemic impact and in accordance with the Authority’s discretion. The authority intends to invest in a budget tender an estimated NIS 2 million per year.

The services required in the tender include individual supervision, monitoring and control of the progress of selected projects of systemic significance to the electricity sector, such as: upgrading and construction of the transmission and transmission lines (400 kW and 161 kW lines) which will provide a response to electric transportation and industry, construction of substations In favor of giving a positive answer from the department for connecting renewable energy facilities and more. In addition, the winning companies will provide professional advice in the field to the Electricity Authority and deepen the transparency to the public of compliance with the goals of the program.

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