Electricity price today Tuesday May 3: the cheapest electricity price today hour by hour and the electricity rate tomorrow

by time news

The price of electricity today hour by hour is maintained.

The electricity rate today Tuesday remains at 191.47 euros / MWh. Check the price of electricity hour by hour to connect your appliances


The price of electricity today, Tuesday, remains the same: the electricity rate this May 3 stands at 191.47 euros / MWh. Despite this very slight drop in the price of electricity, the electricity bill will be felt at the end of the month. This downward evolution causes the price of electricity to move away very slightly from the barrier of 200 euros per megawatt / hour, but it will also force you to scratch your pocket when starting up appliances such as the dryer, the oven or the washing machine. .

The price of electricity today continues to record very high levels, after March became the month with the most expensive electricity rate in history, with an average of 283.3 euros / MWh. in the wholesale market. Of course, the electricity rate gave a break in April, since the price of electricity fell to 191.52 euros / MWh., 33% less than the previous month. Thus, the average price of electricity in April becomes the lowest since last September, when the electricity rate fell to 156.15 euros megawatt / hour. Despite everything, the numbers of the Iberian Energy Market Operator (OMIE) do not lie: the price of electricity today, Tuesday, May 3, will be 180.2% more expensive compared to 68.32 euros / MWh. of the electricity rate registered on May 3, 2021.

Cheapest hours in the price of electricity today Tuesday

The high price of electricity today Tuesday will have its consequent reflection on the electricity bill, once the corresponding tolls and charges have been applied. For this reason, today, May 3, the average electricity rate is set at 191.47 euros / MWh.

The price of electricity hour by hour today Tuesday

Time | electricity rate

Time | electricity rate

00h – 01h: 152,89 euros / MWh.

12h – 13h: 196,39 euros / MWh.

01h – 02h: 153,89 euros / MWh.

13h – 14h: 196,01 euros / MWh.

02h – 03h: 184,08 euros / MWh.

14h – 15h: 183,33 euros / MWh.

03h – 04h: 185,12 euros / MWh.

15h – 16h: 195,54 euros / MWh.

04h – 05h: 187,04 euros / MWh.

16h – 17h: 195,5 euros / MWh.

05h – 06h: 191,19 euros / MWh.

17h – 18h: 195,5 euros / MWh.

06h – 07h: 155,74 euros / MWh.

18h – 19h: 197,78 euros / MWh.

07h – 08h: 199,68 euros / MWh.

19h – 20h: 205,19 euros / MWh.

08h – 09h: 205,7 euros / MWh.

20h – 21h: 211,96 euros / MWh.

09h – 10h: 200 euros / MWh.

21h – 22h: 223,5 euros / MWh.

10h – 11h: 175 euros / MWh.

22h – 23h: 211,25 euros / MWh.

11h – 12h: 195,01 euros / MWh.

23h – 24h: 198,02 euros / MWh.

The time with the lowest electricity price today, Tuesday, to start up home appliances -off-peak time- will be between 00:00 and 01:00, when the MWh. will be listed at 152.89 euros. On the other hand, dinner time will be the most expensive part of the day for the pocket (rush hour), since between 9:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. the price of electricity will rise to 223.5 euros / MWh.

The great difference between both bands is striking, since between the hours with the cheapest price of electricity and the most expensive there is a margin of 70.61 euros per megawatt / hour. The prices of the ‘pool’ have a direct impact on the regulated electricity rate -the so-called PVPC-, to which almost 11 million consumers in the country are covered, and serve as a reference for the other 17 million who have contracted their supply in the free market.

Price of electricity: the cheapest and most expensive hours today Tuesday

  • Most expensive time:
    between 9:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. Electricity rate: 223.5 euros / MWh.

  • cheap time:
    between 00:00 and 01:00. Electricity rate: 152.89 euros / MWh.

The National Commission of Markets and Competition (CNMC) has verified that last year, in the framework of the upward escalation in the cost of energy, about 1.25 million people passed the Voluntary Price for Small Consumers (PVPC) at an electricity rate in the free market at a fixed price.

Evolution of the price of electricity

Taking into account the very slight drop in the price of electricity today with 191.47 euros / MWh, the cost of electricity remains below that registered last week, when on Monday, April 25, it was established at 226.57 euros the megawatt / hour.

Evolution of the average price of electricity

  • Price May 3, Tuesday:
    191,47 euros / MWh.

  • Price May 2, Monday:
    191,81 euros / MWh.

  • Price May 1, Sunday:
    177,86 euros / MWh.

  • Price April 30, Saturday:
    186,45 euros / MWh.

  • Price April 29, Friday:
    214,84 euros / MWh.

  • Price April 28, Thursday:
    224,97 euros / MWh.

  • Price April 27, Wednesday:
    220,95 euros / MWh.

  • Price April 26, Tuesday:
    233,78 euros / MWh.

Agreement with one goal: lower the price of electricity

Spain and Portugal will be able to limit the price of gas in the wholesale electricity market, although they will do so with a higher range than that initially proposed for the so-called ‘Iberian exception’, after the reluctance shown by the partners of the center and the east European, led by Germany; and after the pressure exerted by a good part of the electricity sector to knock down the proposal. In order to adjust the price of electricity, Brussels raises the limit to 50 euros/MWh for one year compared to the 30 proposed together with Portugal, with which part of the bills will be reduced by 40%.

Electricity rate: when will we notice the drop in the bill?

The agreement will allow the price of electricity to be reduced considerably. Of course, which users does this reduction in the price of electricity affect? And, most importantly, when will the electricity bill begin to drop? Keys to the new energy agreement that seeks to avoid the high price of electricity.

How does the electricity rate work?

To specify the price of electricity, the Iberian Energy Market Operator organizes an auction every day. In it, producers and distributors sell and acquire electricity based on the supply and demand that is forecast for the following day hour by hour.

In fact, the price of electricity in the wholesale market must still be added to the cost of tolls and the other charges that are applied to the final bill. Electricity tolls are those that finance the distribution of electricity to all households, while the other charges section of the electricity bill includes concepts as disparate as the tariff deficit, the transport of electricity to islands or incentives for renewable energies. All this results in an electricity rate that will be more or less economical depending on the time slot and the contracted modality (regulated or free market).

Advice from the OCU before the rise of the light

The price of electricity continues to skyrocket and, for the moment, shows no signs of starting to fall after the central government backed down and ruled out limiting it to 180 euros per megawatt hour, as it intended to do before March 29. In this context, the Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) has demanded the temporary suspension of energy taxes and intervention in markets that set its price, and has explained how to save on the next electricity bill.

Applications to face the price of electricity

Optimizing the contracted power, acquiring efficient appliances and comparing rates (especially on the free market, the unregulated one) is key to facing the rise in the price of electricity and thus saving on the bill at the end of the month. For this, it is essential to adapt the start-up of electronic devices to the valley bands, that is, those in which the MWh. it is much cheaper. How? Both the Apple Store for iOS (iPhone, iPad, etc.) and the Play Store for Android have a number of applications where you can check the average price of electricity and its cost by time slot in real time.

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