Electromagnetic waves: the French regulator lowers the power of three smartphones

by time news

A strong symbolic action for those who regularly warn of the dangers of electromagnetic waves. “The companies Samsung, Hisense and Gigaset have taken the decision to reduce the power of their terminals via a software update,” ANFR said in a press release. The agency responsible for controlling the use of the electromagnetic spectrum, used in particular for wireless telecommunications, had checked the Galaxy Note 10 Plus (Samsung), Infinity H30 (Hisense) and GS290 (Gigaset) phones and identified values ​​exceeding the limits imposed by European regulations.

These frame the specific absorption rates (SAR), a concept that quantifies the energy transported by electromagnetic waves and absorbed by the human body. Measurements are taken in several typical situations, phone in hand, close to the body or the head. For several years now, the Priartem association (To gather, inform and act on the risks associated with electromagnetic technologies, whose members claim to be suffering from electrosensitivity, have been calling for measures to regulate exposure to waves.

A step forward for the electrosensitive

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), “nothing indicates for the moment that exposure to low-intensity electromagnetic fields is dangerous for human health” and this “despite numerous studies”, to the great dam of the Priartem association. These so-called electrosensitive people, once exposed to electromagnetic fields emitted by modern technologies, fall ill: headaches, severe fatigue, muscle pain… Smartphones or computers are forgotten, it is an illness from which there is no cure. not.

For the moment, nothing makes it possible to establish a causal link with their symptoms, but nothing either accredits the psychosomatic track. The WHO recognized in 2005 the existence of potentially serious symptoms but there is no quantified estimate of the number of people potentially affected. Nevertheless, this formal notice from the National Frequency Agency goes in their direction.

In recent years, some electrosensitive people have managed to make themselves heard in France. In 2016, justice authorized an electro-sensitive woman to part with her connected water meter, then in 2018 a Versailles court recognized the discomfort of a hypersensitive electro man as an accident at work.

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