“Electronic cigarettes, with and without nicotine, must be equated to the classic fuels and that cannot be sold anywhere”

by time news

2023-07-18 02:11:51

Updated Tuesday, July 18, 2023 – 02:11

The president of the CNPT, Andrs Zamorano, is convinced that in the next legislature, “if it lasts”, there will be a new anti-smoking law, although its seed, the Comprehensive Smoking Plan, is in a drawer.

Andrs Zamorano, president of the National Committee for the Prevention of Smoking. ANTONIO HEREDIA

With his sights set on the general elections on 23-J, the National Committee for the Prevention of Tobacco (CNPT) has called on all political parties and the government that is elected from the polls to give way to the Comprehensive Smoking Plan in the first hundred days of his term. A document whose approbacin qued estancada from one day to the next without an apparent explanation.

But before that can take place, Spain must transpose Directive 2022/2100 regarding the withdrawal of certain exceptions applicable to heated tobacco products “no later than July 23, 2023”. That is, the current Executive only has one Council of Ministers left (today) to do so in compliance with the deadlines set by Europe. Andres Zamoranopresident of the CNPT, believes that the Government will meet that deadline “and approve it, but it is a minimum document,” he says.

The Directive that Spain must transpose against the clock after the arguments period, will be embodied in a royal decree that modifies the one in force (Royal Decree 579/2017). Zamorano explains that in “the previous directive, that of 2014, there were a series of exceptions for the heated tobaccobut it has been shown that it is tobacco whether it is called heated or not heated”. And it is that the Commission made the decision to remove exceptions to these products after verifying that there had been a considerable increase in sales and consumption of these products.

Zamorano explains that “in heated tobacco there is no combustion, but it is heated to 400 or 450 degrees and, being tobacco, it has nicotine and many other substances also toxic and carcinogenic. The fact that it does not combust is absolutely no guarantee of anything, “she says.

Once the decree is approved, heated tobacco products will be clearly defined, the exception they had now will be withdrawn to include the warning images that do contain other articles and, in addition, they may not include flavors.

The Government has less than a week to comply with the transposition of Directive 2022/2100. Arrive on time?Yes, I think I’ll be on time. From the CNPT we have made our allegations. The commitment of this royal decree comes from former minister Salvador Illa. We thought that plain packaging would also be introduced, which was one of our requests, but it has not been done. When an EU country transposes a directive You can always go further, but in Spain you can’t. it has beenWhat was the CNPT asking for this royal decree?That electronic cigarettes, with and without nicotine, be equated to the classic combustible ones and that these devices They couldn’t be sold anywhere. I have bought an electronic cigarette at the store where I buy the newspaper, at the gas station, I have bought on the internet… In other words, they can be bought anywhere with or without nicotine; they are available to anyone. All this has to be in the tobacconists and once there, regulate everything, because in those establishments they are selling other products that are very attractive to children.Have you met with the Minister of Health, José Manuel Miones, since he has been in office?No. The minister who received us and behaved very well with the committee was Mara Luis Carcedo to announce that they were going to finance smoking cessation treatments starting January 1, 2020. We had several meetings with her. Later with Salvador Illa there was also a certain fluidity. We had a face-to-face meeting and then another online one when the pandemic hit. He committed to a series of things such as plain packaging, to influence electronic cigarettes, but in the end he stayed there. and with the minister Carolina Darias there is a tremendous step; He has never received us and we have asked him on several occasions. He has neither answered us nor received us. And neither has the new minister because he hasn’t given him much time.The CNPT has just released a document in which they ask the political parties and the new government resulting from the polls to approve the Comprehensive Plan for the Prevention and Control of Tobacco (PIT) within the first hundred days of its mandate.The plan is done, and the most important allegation that we made from the CNPT, in addition to all the requests that were collected, is that this plan had a single and that depended on the Presidency of the Government because there are many ministries involved (Treasury, Ecological Transition, Industry, Universities…) and for this to work there must be a perfect coordination It is a plan that is accepted by all scientific societies. From the CNPT we have sent the draft to the 45 societies, we have collected what they have told us and we have added it to what the CNPT Board itself has worked on. It is done and very well done. You just have to pass it on to the Public Health Commission and the Interterritorial Council. It is a plan for 2021-2025 and we are already in 2023.Why has it stopped? What explanation have they given you?We have no idea. The health technicians had elaborated it very well in agreement with the autonomous communities and taking into account the allegations. We are talking about a document that has a tremendous consensus and also a social consensus, because only 20% of the population, which is a lot, smokes from the age of 15 until the end of their lives and of that percentage, 70% would like to quit. smoking and when asked at what age they would like their son or grandson to smoke, the answer is none. That is why we think that there is a very large consensus at all levels. It should not be forgotten that 30% of cancers are caused by tobacco. There must be real political will for it to be published; So far everything has been long.So, it is a plan that has been stuck in a drawer.And also in a drawer of the Ministry of Health. At first we thought it could be in another, but no. Later we found out that Carolina Darias was running for Mayor of Las Palmas and, of course, tobacco is untouchable there. Putting the interest of an autonomous community ahead against public health and the entire population of a country…
The PIT also describes alternatives to tobacco cultivation, in the medium and long term. In Spain we have a problem with Extremadura and the Canary Islands. Our plan is based on the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, a treaty that is signed by 181 countries and the European Community, that is, 182 parties. It is a commitment that does not oblige or include economic sanctions, but it is a great agreement that includes raising prices, limiting the spaces where people smoke, equating electronic cigarettes to the rest, helping the smoking patient…
In countries where all this has been done prevalences of half of what we have have been achieved. France, for example, has neutral labelling, prices twice as high as ours. They are countries that have moved recently. We moved in 2005 and in 2010, but now we have become completely obsolete.With the general elections, have you maintained any contact with other parties?We have sent the communiqué to all the parties so that they take it into account, that it be resumed and that the PIT be removed in the first hundred days of the new government’s mandate. Young people smoke because it’s fashionable. It is what they see in influencers and streamers and who advertise tobacco products. It’s the same tactic as with old movies where you see an actor or actress smoking. We have analyzed with marketing companies and the same techniques are used.Spain was a pioneer in Europe with the legislation on smoking. Is the Spanish Presidency of the EU a missed opportunity?It will be very interesting if in these six months of the Presidency a new tobacco law is carried out and the seed is the Comprehensive Plan for Smoking. I am convinced that in the next legislature, if it is one that lasts, give time to draw up a new law, which will have a social consensus, although there will be protests that will only come from the tobacco companies. I think there is a clamor from society to take action and it just takes a brave minister to say: “Let’s go for it!”
There is another piece of information that politicians could perfectly use and that comes from health economists and that is that of the 9,300 million that the Treasury enters by tobacco use, we spend triple on disease, diagnoses and treatments, and sick leave. This supposes every year around 20,000 million losses.
Right now the most urgent thing that needs to be legislated well is electronic cigarettes, whether or not they contain nicotine. They cannot be sold anywhere and be a claim for the youngest.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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