Electronic rhythms for an “increasingly uninhabitable” world

by time news

Presentation of Dantz Festival this Thursday in Donostia. / UNANUE

The sixth edition of the Dantz Festival will offer more than 25 avant-garde music performances from Thursday to Saturday of next week

Alberto Moyano

The Dantz Electronic Music Festival kicks off its “most ambitious edition” next week with an extensive line-up of artists and several San Sebastian enclaves as a stage. Electronic music for “an increasingly uninhabitable world” could be the epigraph of this edition, which will take place from Thursday to Saturday of next week.

The director of the festival, Jokin Telleria, presented the details of the program today at Tabakalera, together with the San Sebastian Councilor for Culture, Jon Insausti; the head of the International Center for Contemporary Culture, Edurne Ormazabal; and the member of The Two Mamarrachos Borja Campión.

The complete Dantz program is made up of artists Nina Kraviz, Red Axes, FJAAK, Chloé Robinson, Facta, El Txef A b2b Balza, Kimho, Jailed Jamie aka Skygaze, Miravalles, The Two Mamarrachos, Enrique Del Castillo –with his show ‘ Umbrafono’–, Matvoice, Loreak, Abyme Nabar, Arizonako Billy, Lagant, Neska, Dans, Modulor, Orphidal, Akazie, Costas, HEARTz Family x Bihotza (and collaborating artists). Tickets are now on sale on the Festival website.

The sixth edition of Dantz will kick off next Thursday on the Kursaal terraces with a free performance by three Basque DJs –Loreak, Miravalles and Orphidal–, and will continue on Friday the 9th, a holiday, and with the culture center as the epicenter of the day: there will be production and DJing courses at the Taba cafeteria, which will later host a meal. In the afternoon and open to the public, there will be a DJ session in Plaça Nestor Basterretxea and Kutxa Kultur Kluba. The Sala Patio of the old tobacco factory will host the sessions by The Two Mamarrachos and the German duo FJAAK until midnight. And back to Taba, Modulor, Neska and Dans will prolong the evening.

The highlight of this edition will be on Saturday, with various performances such as that of Nina Kraviz at the Miramón amphitheater –there are still a few tickets left–, with an extension of shuttle buses through the Sala Patio de Tabakalera, from midnight to six in the morning .

The organizers have raised this year’s edition around two ideas: on the one hand, as a way of reflecting on a world that they consider “increasingly uninhabitable”, after “exploiting all kinds of resources” in a process that “is turns against us” given that it leads to “customs, habits and unwritten rules, which are often good, but many other times, harm and impoverish us as a society”. On the other hand, the organizers maintain, the result is a “magma formed by remains, debris.”

Born five years ago with the support of Donostia Kultura and Tabakalera, the Dantz has already established itself as one of the musical events on the San Sebastian cultural calendar. And also as a “project laboratory with the common thread of electronic and avant-garde music”, say its promoters, who cite projects such as Dantz Point -which tries to recover “forgotten heritage”-, Dantz Academy (training) and Dantz Wear – which, hand in hand with Emaús, is aimed at giving second-hand clothes a second chance – like some of the programs that revolve around the festival.

If the first advance of the program included the presence of artists such as Nina Kraviz (Russia) or Red Axes (Israel), the incorporation of internationally recognized names, such as the German duo FJAAK, to complete a poster of more than 25 creators make this edition in the roundest of how many have been held so far.

As for the venues in which the performances will take place, in addition to the Patio de Tabakalera room or the Plaza Urumea del Kursaal, the recovery of the Miramón Amphitheatre, “which this year without restrictions, will be able to show its true potential as a cultural and artistic space».

In addition to the support of the aforementioned institutions, the festival also has the backing of the Department of Culture of the Gipuzkoa Provincial Council, the Basque Government, the Ministry of Culture and Sports (INAEM), the Euroregion and the European Commission (Brussels), among other estates.

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