Elena Basile, the Western approach to the two wars in Ukraine and Gaza – VP News

by time news

2023-12-24 20:45:24

Ambassador and writer Elena Basile discusses Western approaches to the wars in Ukraine and Gaza. Former Ambassador Basile, who resigned from her ambassadorial position in February due to a conflict between her values ​​and Italian and European policies towards the war in Ukraine, criticizes the Western media and political narrative regarding these conflicts.

Key points from Ambassador Basile’s speech include:

Resignation and media criticism: Ambassador to Sweden and then to Belgium, Basile resigned over disagreements with Western policies over the war in Ukraine. In the video organized by La Casa del Sole, Basile criticizes the media for their treatment of her resignation and for avoiding a broader narrative around the conflicts.
Western approach to conflicts: Next, the ambassador discusses the Western approach to the wars in Ukraine and Gaza, highlighting a lack of historical context and understanding in media coverage, which often frames these conflicts in simplistic terms as if they were wars of religion, of good versus evil.
Role of civil society: Basile highlights the importance of civil society engagement in foreign policy, noting that unlike domestic politics, foreign policy decisions can have more serious consequences, such as bloodshed.
Criticism of Euro-Atlantic policies: Criticizes the last decades of NATO and some European policies, suggesting the need for more realistic policy proposals to address these issues.
Simplified Media Narratives: Basile argues that media narratives often lack depth, failing to consider the political and historical causes of conflicts, leading to the demonization of certain figures and groups.
Responsibility of the West in the conflicts in Ukraine and Israel-Palestine: Discusses the West’s role in the conflict in Ukraine, including strategic decisions made by the United States and NATO that ignored Russia’s security concerns. He also touches on the Minsk Accords, suggesting they were used as a diversion by the West to give Ukraine time to rearm, even though the war was largely avoidable.
Call for reflection and action: Basile invites reflection on how to become more relevant in addressing these issues, underlining the need for well-considered policy proposals.

Overall, Elena Basile’s speech represents an incisive critique of Western policies and media narratives surrounding the wars in Ukraine and Gaza. Basile does not limit himself to a simple contestation, but she offers a detailed and historically informed analysis, underlining the need for an ethically responsible approach to international conflicts by European leaders.

These are just some of the focal points of his speech. The video, as a whole, provides an in-depth analysis that explores all aspects of the escalation that led to the war. Watching this video becomes an act of freedom, which, if shared and multiplied, can generate a new personal awareness from which we can collectively recover.

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