Eleni Menegaki describes how the accident happened to her eye [βίντεο]

by time news

Eleni Menegaki welcomed the viewers to her show on Wednesday afternoon, after the accident she had.

Her show was off the air at midday on Tuesday as the presenter suffered minor injuries and was taken to the doctor, Today, returning to her post, she described what happened.

Accident for Eleni Menegaki – The injury that kept her off the show


Everything Eleni Menegaki said about her accident

“Good evening, it seems like a lie to me. Like a lie that I wasn’t on the show yesterday, like a lie that what happened yesterday and today happened here. How glad I am to be here firstly and secondly that we are together and thirdly that it was finally something that could be fixed. Fortunately I got out of here quickly yesterday at five o’clock and that our great channel – and I say this with all my heart – urged me to leave. It had to do with the eye and you don’t play with the eyes when something is nailed in there. Thanks to our great channel, Mr. Susula, my partners and all of you for your concern. Here’s where that happened too. And that’s why we shouldn’t talk big, nor make fun.

And those who have known me for years say that I always told them that no matter what happens, I will be in here and I will be the last one to leave,” said the presenter.

“It’s the one where you see it all in one minute and say: that was it. Be careful! Especially us girls with the pencils – why did it happen – in your eyes and suddenly you get a thorn… Anyway… Bye!” Eleni Menegaki added.


A little later, during the cooking, the presenter commented: “Guys everything is fine, accidents happen, as long as we are ready to deal with them. I didn’t talk to a human being, I got such a kick out of taking a picture and seeing where this thing was hooked to my eye. It’s what you say that makes me feel a little stressed. I was scared. Bye bye and let’s be careful.”

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