Elisabeth 2, queen of Matignon?

by time news

2023-07-21 18:00:00

ALAIN’S SHARP OPINION – “In vain, Necker replaces Calonne, the reeds of death are already blooming in the basins of Versailles”. By calling André Malraux to witness, in the last days of the Fourth Republic, how can we fail to see that if Elisabeth 2 succeeds Elisabeth 1, the political situation has not changed because Pap Ndiaye or Marlène Schiappa leave the government, or that Aurore Bergé finally sees her ministerial ambition satisfied.

It will therefore have been enough for François Bayrou to frown for the President of the Republic to be forced into a simple technical adjustment, sidelining ministers with seriously damaged credit, and renouncing the political openness that he had nevertheless instructed Ms. Borne to find, in his famous “100 days”, in order to have a more comfortable parliamentary seat.

Mr. Ndiaye will have more marked the spirits by his attacks against CNews et Europe 1guilty in his eyes of not spreading the good word of Macron, only by his management of the enormous problems of National Education, and Mrs. Schiappa will not have survived the questionable management of the Marianne Fund.

In Macronie, we do not know who really decides. When Emmanuel Macron appointed Élisabeth Borne to Matignon a year ago, the persistent rumor, never denied, attributes this decision to the entourage of the Head of State who rejected his first choice, Catherine Vautrin, member of the party The Republicans.

In its editorial of the day, entitled: “Tragi-comedy”, Le Figaro summarizes the political situation with this formula: “Halfway between Holland and the Fourth Republic”. I do not hesitate to go further. We live the reality of the IVth Republic under the appearances of the Vth. A real president of the Fifth Republic appoints the head of government, as the Constitution provides, and does not have his choice dictated.

Can you imagine General de Gaulle giving up appointing Georges Pompidou in 1962, at the insistence of those around him? Unable to occupy the place that he considers to be due to him, because of his legal disputes, Mr. Bayrou therefore exercises his power of prevention at full speed. THE “Who made you king?” of yesteryear is translated in this month of July 2023 by “Who made you queen, and for how long?”.

Because facts are stubborn. The authority of the state has been undermined as never before during the recent riots. Insecurity is growing throughout the national territory. Immigration is not controlled. The rise in prices reduces the purchasing power of households. The economy is slowing down. The health system is at its wit’s end. National Education is a ship adrift.

The country’s indebtedness seriously harms its credit in the concert of nations, poses a heavy threat to our already relative independence. And the vote on the state budget for 2024 heralds a politically hot fall. Tomorrow like yesterday, here are some of the vast problems to which the political power should bring solutions, other than by speeches never followed by strong acts.

But, when the government does not have a majority in the National Assembly, or random majorities of circumstance, it is far from the cut at the lips…

#Elisabeth #queen #Matignon

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