Elisabeth Borne assures that the most modest will be “the least concerned” by the postponement of the age of departure

by time news

Eager to ” convince “ the merits of the reform project intended to ” to save “ the pay-as-you-go pension system, Elisabeth Borne continued to defend, on Saturday January 14, the measures desired by the government. On France Inter, the Prime Minister defended the fact that the most modest will be the “less concerned” by raising the legal retirement age to 64.

“Those whose working hours will be extended the least are the first two deciles [de revenus les plus modestes] and a bit the third decile”detailed Mme Thick headed. In other words, “the poorest 20% of French people are those who are least asked to work longer”. “The wealthiest 50% of French people will have the most to shift the starting age”she said.

“I cannot allow it to be said that this reform would penalize modest people. It’s the exact oppositesaid the head of government. These modest people are the ones who are least asked to shift their starting age. » Moreover, according to the Prime Minister, the first four deciles will be “most affected” by the revaluation of small pensions to 1,200 euros.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Pensions: the political risks of an unbalanced reform

Postponement of the retirement age and extension of the contribution period

The National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (Insee) is used to classifying the standard of living of households into deciles, that is to say into ten groups of equal numbers. Thus, in 2019, the standard of living of the poorest 10% (first decile) was less than 11,660 euros per year, while the standard of living of the wealthiest 10% (ninth decile) was higher than 39,930 euros per year. .

The government’s plan aims to gradually postpone the legal retirement age to 64, instead of the current 62, while extending the contribution period.

The main trade unions, unanimously opposed to this reform, announced a first day of strikes and demonstrations on January 19. The whole of the left called to join the mobilization. Polls also show that the population is mostly hostile to the reform.

Read also: Women, the poor, incomplete careers… who are the first victims of inequalities between pensions?

The dialogue with the unions is “not broken”

The Prime Minister assured that the dialogue with the trade union organizations of employees was not “not broken” and that the text could ” to move “ during parliamentary debate. But she said she feared that the deposit promised by La France insoumise of tens of thousands of amendments “does not facilitate [ce] debate “.

She has also ” note “ that the declarations of the leaders of the Republicans (LR), which she received Thursday at Matignon, “seemed to go into [le] sens » of a vote on their part in favor of the reform. The right-wing formation had claimed ” a success “ after having obtained changes on the reform project.

Regarding hardship and its prevention, the Prime Minister recalled that employees benefited in another law from a “reinforced medical follow-up” from the age of 45 and that he “will have to[it] recruit occupational physicians, nurses”specifying that occupational health services were managed by the social partners.

The World with AFP

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