Elisabeth Borne bets on “firmness”

by time news

2023-10-26 11:00:16

Emmanuel Macron did not want to act hastily. The urban riots of early July, he explained, were far too complex to analyze and too singular in his eyes to give rise to an ordinary response. It was not a question of proposing solutions already seen, such as offering more resources for sensitive neighborhoods, if you are more left-wing, or strengthening security systems, if you are on the right. “In emotional moments, we are called upon to choose our side. And so we always say nonsense ”, explained the head of state to Figaro MagazineAugust 4.

It’s a “complete and profound response” which must be brought at the start of the school year, he warned during the council of ministers on July 21. But Emmanuel Macron had, in reality, already expressed his convictions, on July 24, during an interview with TF1 and France 2, from Nouméa, in New Caledonia. Riots ? “The lesson that I draw is order, order, order”he summarized, evoking a need for “return of authority, at each level, and first in the family”.

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Three and a half months after the death of young Nahel M. in Nanterre, whose death, caused on June 27 by the shooting of a police officer during a road check, was at the origin of the looting, ransacking and fires of public buildings which have moved the country, the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, will decline, Thursday October 26 afternoon, the “Presidential promise of Noumea”in the words of the Elysée.

“Firmness and authority”

The head of government chose to speak from the Sorbonne in Paris. A place “history, education, which makes sense to talk about our youth in this context”, we explain to Matignon. The overwhelming majority of rioters were teenagers or very young adults. 60% from single-parent families or separated parents.

But, in front of some 500 mayors who were victims of vandalism, some of whom had been invited to the Elysée on July 4, Elisabeth Borne should first remind young people and their parents of the rules to respect and toughen up the punishments. . “We must affirm the republican order”we argue at Matignon. “The objective is to provide structural responses but also clear responses of firmness and authority”insists Aurore Bergé, minister responsible for solidarity and families, who will unveil measures on parenthood on Thursday.

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Focused on the police and justice, the presentation will feature Gérald Darmanin, the Minister of the Interior, responsible for detailing the decisions planned for “reaffirm the republican order”. It will be a question of specifying the “security continuum”, they say at Place Beauvau to ensure that the municipal police work more closely with the national police and the gendarmerie. The municipal police could be given new powers, as the executive had imagined when examining the 2021 comprehensive security law.

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#Elisabeth #Borne #bets #firmness

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