Elisabeth Borne escapes censorship, despite the “surprise” support of the RN at Nupes

by time news

“It was the Time.news of an announced failure”since the figures promised even before the vote to be insufficient, writes The world. The three motions of censure presented by the left-wing coalition New Popular Ecological and Social Union (Nupes) and by the far right against Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne did not obtain the necessary votes in the National Assembly on Monday, October 24.

The government, which no longer has an absolute majority in the Chamber since the June legislative elections, had decided to use Article 49.3 of the Constitution to have the first part (those of revenue) of the bill adopted without a vote. Finance Bill (PLF) for 2023, and the Social Security Financing Bill (PLFSS) for 2023.

Marine Le Pen’s “touch of surprise”

A first motion, filed by Nupes, was rejected “despite Marine Le Pen’s announcement earlier in the evening that her parliamentary group would support it because it was drafted in ‘acceptable terms’ (she had said the opposite the day before)”, notes the Spanish newspaper. A total of 239 deputies supported the motion, far from the 289 votes needed to bring down the executive.

Politico Europe evoked “an unexpected joint vote” of the National Rally (RN) “with the extreme left” shaped “warning shot” for French President Emmanuel Macron. “To a scenario that seemed written in advance, Marine Le Pen will nevertheless have brought her touch of surprise”comments on his side The evening. “ [Elle] chose to emerge where it was not expected to try both to destabilize power and to sow the division of the left to which it offered this ‘kiss of death’.

The second motion, tabled by the RN, also failed to obtain the necessary votes, with only 90 votes in favor. Neither of the two motions having been adopted, the first part of the finance bill is considered adopted, announced the President of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet.

In the evening, the deputies rejected another Nupes motion and the deputies will be able to resume on Tuesday the continuation of the discussions on the expenditure part of this Social Security budget 2023.

The alliance of oppositions “dangerous for Mr. Macron”

“The Les Républicains party could have been the key to success in these attempts to overthrow the government, because with its votes it could have crossed the barrier of an absolute majority”, Explain The world. But, traces the Spanish newspaper, a majority of right-wing deputies had warned in the Sunday newspaper of October 23 that in these times of economic and energy crisis, “to add a political and institutional crisis would be irresponsible”.

“Mathematically, holds back The evening, the sequence allowed the executive to experience that it still represented the only parliamentary majority, even if it was relative.” Most “the next few months will be tryinganticipates the Belgian daily. Because if the use of article 49.3 is possible at all stages for the adoption of budgetary texts, it is only possible to use it once per parliamentary session for any other bill.

“The unlikely alliance of oppositions is becoming increasingly dangerous for Mr. Macron, just four months after the ruling coalition lost an absolute majority in legislative elections,” with a guard Politico Europe.

The executive “will now have to be more willing to reach agreements with opposition parties”, warns The world.

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