Elisabeth Borne faced with internal competition from the four “crocodiles”

by time news

She is facing a double front. The first is not surprising. From left to right, passing by the National Rally (RN), the oppositions loudly condemned the government’s reform projects, declined by the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, Wednesday July 6, during her declaration of general policy at the National Assembly. Criticized for her refusal to request a vote of confidence, the tenant of Matignon is the subject of a motion of censure, filed by the New People’s Ecological and Social Union (Nupes), which can be debated from Friday.

Even if it has little chance of being adopted, this motion is a sign of defiance towards Mr.me Terminal, which will therefore not have the easy task of finding compromise with the opponents of Emmanuel Macron at the Palais-Bourbon. And thus remedy the absence of an absolute majority of the presidential camp.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Elisabeth Borne tries a method speech before the National Assembly

Internally, the head of government must, in addition, deal with competition from four heavyweights of the majority: the boss of the MoDem, François Bayrou, and that of Horizons, Edouard Philippe – whose groups are allied to that of La République en Marche (LRM) in the National Assembly – and the two strong men of the government, the Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, and that of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin. Experienced and ambitious, the centrist and the three elected officials from the right have one thing in common: all are positioning themselves to take over from Mr. Macron at the Elysee Palace in 2027.

Since the appointment of Mr.me Terminal at Matignon, these “four crocodiles” – as a macronist from the first circle calls them – are suspected of wanting to make life difficult for him, by evolving independently within their respective perimeters, without really recognizing his authority. Even if it means sometimes looking down on this « techno » who was elected for the first time on his name during the June legislative elections. She they don’t judge “not up to standard” to occupy Matignon, in the words of an adviser to one of the four elected.

heavy load

The one who most clearly opened hostilities remains Mr. Bayrou. After the disappointment of the Macron camp in the legislative elections, he called for a change of profile at Matignon. “The times demand that the Prime Minister, or the Prime Minister, be political” and no « technique », he launched on June 22, on France Inter, targeting the one who is above all considered a technician. It’s necessary “a strong government, with a prime minister who does his job as head of government”, insisted the boss of the MoDem, unhappy not to have been chosen at Matignon and the place given to his training in the first Borne government. A heavy load, which earned him a cropping of Mme Terminal the next day.

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