Elisabeth Borne invited the 41 ministers and their families for an evening before the holidays

by time news

A last meal with a few days of rest. Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne invited members of her government and their families to a reception this Wednesday evening at Matignon, as ministerial holidays and the end of the summer parliamentary session are looming.

The 41 members of the government met on Wednesday evening rue de Varenne in Paris, a “moment of conviviality and cohesion” during which Élisabeth Borne was to “welcome, without triumphalism, the first advances for the French and the French in terms of power of ‘purchase,’ said Matignon.

On Wednesday, Parliament definitively adopted the first part of the package in favor of purchasing power, after pledges given to the Republicans (LR). It includes in particular the 4% increase in retirement pensions and several allowances with retroactive effect from July 1, the capping of the increase in rents at 3.5% in France, or even the tripling of the ceiling of the bonus. Macron that can be paid by employers.

“Text definitively adopted! Government and Parliament have made purchasing power a collective fight: they are 20 billion euros to respond to the consequences of inflation. The culture of compromise is being built. This is what the French are asking of us, ”tweeted the Prime Minister on Wednesday evening.

The ministers must be two hours from Paris maximum

Parliamentarians will try in the evening to agree on the second part in favor of purchasing power, included in the draft rectified budget (PLFR) for 2022, which could be definitively adopted on Thursday.

It provides for the financing of 9.7 billion euros for the nationalization of EDF, the continuation of the fuel bonus, the revaluation of the index point of civil servants and disputed provisions such as the abolition of the audiovisual license fee, the perpetuation of the possible takeover by RTT companies or even a possible biometric vital card.

The end of parliamentary work will open the vacation period for members of the government, required to choose, two hours maximum from Paris, “a destination compatible with the exercise of their responsibilities”, according to a government circular.

The back-to-school Council of Ministers is scheduled for August 24. There will be no extraordinary parliamentary session in September, a first for twenty years which is intended to be the illustration of the “new method” displayed by the executive, without an absolute majority in the Assembly since the legislative elections. President Emmanuel Macron, for his part, has taken up his summer quarters at Fort de Brégançon (Var) since Friday evening.

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