Elisabeth Borne pays tribute to the victims, seven years later

by time news

Seven years have passed but their memory remains more vivid than ever. The Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, went on Sunday, November 13, to the scene of the attacks of November 13, 2015, in Paris and Saint-Denis, to pay tribute to the victims of the terrorist attacks which left 130 dead and more. of 350 wounded.

See as well : Attacks of November 13: the memorial of the “World” to the victims

From the Stade de France to the terraces of Carillon, Petit Cambodge, La Bonne Bière, Comptoir Voltaire, La Belle Equipe and finally to the Bataclan concert hall, the head of government observed throughout the morning almost the same ceremony to recall the memory of the victims: reading of the names of those who perished that night, wreath laying, minute of silence.

In a message posted on Twitter supporting this tribute, Mme Terminal added: “The Republic hit 7 years ago by Islamist terrorism is standing. She will never forget hers. » Emmanuel Macron has, him, relayed a drawing shared by Life for Paris where it is written: ” Do not forget “.

Tribute to all politicians

Seven years later, the historic trial of the attacks of November 13 ended on June 29, after ten months of hearings. The special assize court in Paris sentenced Salah Abdeslam, the only member of the commandos still alive, to life imprisonment, the heaviest sentence in the Penal Code. His nineteen co-accused – six of whom five were presumed dead were tried in their absence – were sentenced to terms ranging from two years’ imprisonment to life.

For this tribute also paid to the security and rescue forces and to the caregivers mobilized on the evening of the attacks, Ms.me Borne was notably surrounded on Sunday by the mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, as well as the presidents of the associations of victims Life for Paris et 13onze15Arthur Dénouveaux and Philippe Duperron.

The rest of the political staff also paid tribute to the victims. “I am thinking today of all the victims of the attacks (…). To all those broken lives. To all those who live every day without a loved one. To all survivors. Time erases neither memory nor pain.a tweeted Sunday in tribute to François Hollande, then head of state during the occurrence of these attacks which had plunged the country into fear.

The leader of La France insoumise, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, and a delegation of party deputies also went to lay a wreath in front of the Bataclan at the end of the day. ” We do not forget “ the victims, assured the leader of the group, Mathilde Panot, on Twitter. “We will relentlessly fight against barbarism”, added for his part the number one of the Socialist Party, Olivier Faure.

On the far right, Marine Le Pen like the new president of the National Rally, Jordan Bardella, also paid tribute to the victims. “The French have not forgotten and will never forget these Islamist attacks, the fear and emotion are still intact”, according to the second.

Candidate for the presidency of the Republicans, Eric Ciotti pointed out to him that “These barbarians attacked our way of life: sport, terraces and culture”. “Let us never forget our martyrs and the ravages of this obscurantism”he also pleaded on Twitter. More controversial, Bruno Retailleau, another contender wishing to take the lead of the right-wing party, said on CNews-Europe 1-The echoes what “we owe not only tributes, but rigorous actions” against Islamism.

See as well : V13, the trial: journey to the end of the night of November 13

The World with AFP

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