Elisabeth Borne ready to discuss the “modalities” of a residence permit applicable in sectors in tension

by time news

2023-06-14 22:16:04

Elisabeth Borne said she was ready, Wednesday June 14, in an interview at Figaroto discuss the “terms” of a residence permit which would apply in the sectors which have difficulty in recruiting, point of the bill on immigration which crystallizes the opposition of the Republicans. If the Prime Minister makes it ” an objective “, “the terms are discussed”she added.

“With the creation of a residence permit in shortage occupations, the idea is not to create a breath of fresh air, but to take certain situations into account”argued the head of government. “The first logic is to allow all those who are here regularly to access a job”insisted Mme Borne.

At the end of May, the Ministry of the Interior was already suggesting that the government was ready to toughen its mechanism for regularizing undocumented workers in shortage occupations in an attempt to obtain a compromise with LR on the immigration text, of which the content must be specified in July, after consultations with the right.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Immigration: Darmanin’s “outstretched hand” to the right

LR put pressure on the government by tabling two bills on immigration, one of which plans to include in the Constitution the possibility of derogating from the treaties and European law on immigration. In the other text, the Republicans exclude the regularization of undocumented workers in shortage occupations, considering that it is a point ” non-negotiable “.

“I was prefect, I know the necessary improvements”

The current system sets several conditions for regularization: to have been on French territory for three years, to be in a shortage occupation, not to bring your family, to have worked for eighteen months in these shortage occupations and to have a promise of employment. According to Beauvau, the government would be ready to increase “5, 6 or 7 years old” the residence condition, to set the income condition at 1.5 smic, and to add the obligation to have a permanent contract.

On the 1968 agreement with Algeria, which the president of Horizons, Edouard Philippe, proposes to review, she considers that it is a ” sensitive subject “ and that a treaty “it does not evolve so easily”. “We must act in the negotiation and the exchanges continue” with Algeria, which benefits in particular from exceptional rules on family reunification. About state medical aid, which allows foreigners in an irregular situation to access care, and which LR would like to limit to urgent care, Elisabeth Borne does not judge “not abnormal” what “we ask ourselves questions regularly” on the basket of care that this aid covers.

She also claims that she is not ” not sure “ that distributing the unaccompanied minors of Mayotte on the metropolitan territory is ” the answer “ to the difficulties of the island, as suggested in particular by the president of the Horizons group, Laurent Marcangeli. The government is currently conducting a contested security operation in Mayotte, “Wuambushu”, aimed in particular at combating unsanitary housing and deporting people in an irregular situation.

Finally, M.me Borne, from the left, assured, in the face of criticism from the right, his determination to ” to advance “ on the subject of immigration, “by seeking efficiency, within the framework of the values ​​of our country”. “I don’t know what they are doubting! I was a prefect, I know the necessary improvements”she pleaded again.

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