Elisabeth Borne will deliver her long-awaited general policy speech at 3 p.m.

by time news

“You have a totally narrow and even illegitimate government when Ms. Borne does not submit to a vote of parliamentarians,” says Adrien Quatennens

“First we give her a very small chance to give up what she intends to do. What will happen today is a major event, it is a political earthquake.said the deputy La France insoumise (LFI) Adrien Quatennens on France 2 Wednesday morning, about the Prime Minister, while Elisabeth Borne must present her roadmap today to lead national policy to parliamentarians.

“You have a President of the Republic elected in April who was defeated in the June legislative elections. You have a Prime Minister, Mrs.me Borne, who taking note of this situation tenders his resignation to the president who refuses it. And so you have a totally narrow and even illegitimate government since Mr.me Borne does not submit to a vote of parliamentarians”, estimated the deputy from the North, before adding: “It’s been unheard of for thirty years”in France, and it is a republican tradition. In all the great democracies we do that”.

“If there is no vote of confidence, Parliament must be able to vote, including because this vote situates the parliamentarians”, advanced Mr. Quatennens, believing that there are only two positions: to be for and to be in the majority, or to vote against and to be in the opposition.

“On the organization of the elections, indeed, now it is time to question a certain number of things”, he also argued on the subject of the presidential election, in particular on the subject of the distribution which he considered unequal of professions of faith according to the territories and districts, and while Jean-Luc Mélenchon yesterday asked for a commission parliamentarian on the organization of the vote during the presidential election. Adrien Quatennens however insisted on the fact that it was not a question of calling into question the very result of the election.

Regarding purchasing power, the member asserted that “the rise in prices, there are those who suffer from it and those who benefit from it”, returning to the will of the Nupes to tax up to 25% the “superprofits” made by large groups, within the framework of its bill on “social emergency” presented yesterday. “Is Emmanuel Macron ready to put this bill on the agenda and to call on his troops to consider it and, if necessary, vote on it? »he launched, believing that the threatening blockage comes rather from the presidential camp than from the opposition.

Asked about Taha Bouhafs and his accusations against LFI about the opacity surrounding the internal procedure launched against him for “sexual violence”, the deputy from the North replied “He wants to defend himself, he has the right to do so and therefore he can be heard by our authorities. But I want to warn about one thing: we cannot replace justice. We are a political movement, the decisions we take are precautionary to protect women. But obviously we encourage complainants to file a complaint, including so that the parties cited can defend themselves. »

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