Elisabeth Borne’s speech “augurs a hot month of July at the Palais-Bourbon”

by time news

It was Elisabeth Borne’s baptism of fire in front of the National Assembly. In a general policy speech of an hour and a half, the Prime Minister detailed her roadmap on July 6 and addressed a long series of subjects. Purchasing power, ecological emergency, debt burden, full employment, youth and education…

Among the main announcements quickly taken up by the foreign media, we find in particular the renationalisation of EDF, the deconjugalization of the allowance for disabled adults, and the need to work “gradually” a little longer, which she confirmed without going into details.

All without submitting his project to a vote of confidence, a decision which resulted in the filing of a motion of censure on the part of the left a few minutes before he took the floor – which must be voted on within forty-eight hours. and which has little chance of bringing down the government, for lack of agreement between the oppositions.

“Affirm a personality”

Pour Time, Elisabeth Borne has in any case “everything is done this Wednesday afternoon to clear the horizon for the start of the five-year term which promises to be very complicated”.

Reacting hotly to the speech, the Swiss daily underlines the repeated occurrence of the word “together” in the speech of the head of government, “phrase that seems to have become its new catchphrase”.

Another observation: the attempt “to assert a personality in front of the deputies and more generally in front of the French”, observe Time.

“This is what she tried to do, despite a very academic and strict tone, mentioning in particular several times her CV as a technician and prefect, atypical for a Prime Minister.”

The next moment of truth for Elisabeth Borne? On July 18, when the first major project of the government will be debated in the Assembly: purchasing power. And for the Swiss daily, the atmosphere of the speech delivered on July 6 and its reception by the Assembly “herald a tense, if not hot, month of July at the Palais-Bourbon”.

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