Elkin: Aid to Ukraine should be increased

by time news

Member of Knesset Ze’ev Elkin returned this week from a visit to Ukraine, which last night marked one year since the war with the Russians. In an interview with Eran Sikoral, conducted on Thursday and broadcast today (Saturday) on the “International Hour” program, Elkin said that Israel must significantly expand aid to Ukraine, especially in the transfer of measures to deal with Iranian drones. “We are immersed in an old paradigm. I can’t close my eyes and not see that reality has changed,” Elkin said and warned: If Israel does not increase aid, it will reach a deep crisis with the West.

Listen to the full interview here Network B

According to Elkin, cooperation with the Ukrainians and increasing aid is in Israel’s interest, because sooner or later Israel will encounter these drones being operated in front of it. The Knesset member added that “it is impossible to remain indifferent to the dynamics of the last few months – both to the Russians’ rapprochement with Iran, which is getting closer and closer, and that the West is increasing its aid to Ukraine. In the end, our place is with the Western countries.”

As for the issue of the price that Israel will pay vis-a-vis Russia for the policy change, Elkin said that part of the price will be paid anyway due to Russia’s dependence on Iran, which will affect the entire map of interests. “The attempt to sit on both thrones in the end will be in our hands because Israel will reach such a deep crisis with the West that it will have to make a dramatic move to prove that it is still one of the countries of the West – and the result will be more anger from the Russians towards Israel.”

In conclusion, Elkin said: “The train of the West does not stop at the station, but travels faster and faster, and Israel is not only sitting in the last car, but is pressing the brakes and may end up disconnecting from the train. Israel cannot afford that.”

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