Elkin opened the lottery of an apartment with the assumption: “Historic moment”

by time news

The first lottery of an apartment at a discount (photo by Sivan Shachor, Anaba, La’am)

The Minister of Construction and Housing, Zeev Elkin, opened the first lottery of the “Apartment at a Discount” program. Over the next few days, 150 lotteries will be held, in which 10,053 apartments will be raffled off in 31 localities across the country. Among them: Beer Yaakov, Lod, Ashdod, Jerusalem, Acre, Dimona, Rishon Lezion and more. The lottery results are expected to be delivered to the winners during the month of May.

As you may recall, the lottery opened for registration on 20.3 and after the extension closed on 10.4. 119,207 households registered for this lottery. The lottery procedure is conducted in accordance with strict and meticulous procedures, in a computerized system, without human contact, managed by a committee and supervised by a certified public accountant, and the results are calculated in a closed lottery room, in the presence of the lottery committee. From the chairman of the lottery, a representative of a supervising company, a marketing representative, an accounting representative and a legal bureau representative.

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Zeev Elkin, Minister of Construction and Housing: “We are in a historic moment. Today we set out with the first 10,000 lotteries after more than two years without lotteries. But this is just the beginning! By the end of the year, we will grill another 20,000 apartments in 150 projects. Symbolically, the first lottery is being held in Jerusalem at Givat Hamatos, and in the second cap, the Minister of Jerusalem and Heritage will continue to work for development and construction in our capital city. We are not satisfied with that. “.

He added, “We will also defend the rights of home buyers through the Sale Law that will stop the unjustified construction inputs, and give advice and guidance to home buyers. Finally, I would like to thank my friend the Deputy Prime Minister, Gideon Saar, And to the Minister of Finance who budgeted our activities and last but not least, the employees of the Ministry of Construction and Housing who worked nights and nights under pressure and loads and managed to meet the task. I want to wish all those who are successful! “

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Gideon Saar, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice: “There are two significant things that can be done to promote young couples to get to the apartment: On the one hand it will come from the state budget, but it will give a direct answer to the citizens. That is why it is important to go for a big and significant move. 2. Find ways to incentivize large volumes of urban renewal. I believe that in order to deal effectively we need to go for these moves and I intend to fight for it together with my friends. ”

Aviad Friedman, Director General of the Ministry of Construction and Housing: “Starting the lotteries today will change the lives of over 10,000 families and in the coming year about 20,000 more families will be added. In the coming days the ministry’s professional staff will conduct 150 lotteries in 30 localities. “The scope of the localities, and in the registration we saw that there is almost no change between Gedera and Hadera to Acre, Beit She’an, Sderot and Dimona. All this is possible thanks to the intensive work of the ministry in collaboration with Rami,

Yankee Quint, director of the Israel Land Authority: “The increased response to the plan indicates more than anything the success of the plan. The Israel Land Authority will continue to work together and expand the toolbox for resolving the housing crisis, removing barriers and of course increasing supply.”

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