Élodie Babin, the RN’s “ghost” candidate, failed to get elected 2024-07-08 08:42:11

by time news

Emmanuel Duplessy, candidate of the New Popular Front (NFP), won the legislative election in the constituency of Orléans-Ouest with 56.15% of the vote against Élodie Babin, the candidate of the National Rally (RN). This victory allows the left to regain a seat held by the presidential majority for 36 years. Despite a discreet campaign, Élodie Babin had created a surprise by coming out on top in the first round with 32.91% of the vote, ahead of Emmanuel Duplessy (28.03%) and the outgoing MP Caroline Janvier (23.03%).

An RN candidate absent during the campaign

Elodie Babin, RN regional councilor, kept a low profile during the first round, and for good reason: she didn’t campaign. No one ever saw her and her face didn’t even appear on the campaign posters.

She had nevertheless managed to qualify in the lead for the second round as a “ghost candidate”. Faced with criticism, Ms. Babin had ended up defending herself from any invisibility, explaining that she had contracted COVID.

Left-wing rally bears fruit

For his part, Emmanuel Duplessy was able to count on the unwavering support of the other left-wing parties, in particular the outgoing MP Caroline Janvier. His “firm and frank” withdrawal allowed him to form a united front against the RN.

The NFP candidate welcomed this “victory of the values ​​of the Republic in the face of hatred and division”. He greeted:

“the mobilization of activists from all sides who spared neither their time nor their energy”.

Emmanuel Duplessy will sit in the NFP group in the Assembly regardless of the final result of the elections.

High turnout amid security concerns

Participation remained stable between the two rounds in this constituency which includes Orléans and its western suburbs.

With 62.3% of voters, it exceeds the national average. This enthusiasm is explained by the importance of the issue, many voters wanting to block the extreme right. But the good score of the RN also reflects a growing concern for sovereign issues in a rather rural department.

A constituency scrutinized by the general staff

This RN-NFP duel was closely followed by the national political apparatus. Situated in a territory anchored on the right, it was emblematic of the strategy of de-demonization of Marine Le Pen’s party.

His defeat shows the limits of this exercise against a united left. But the close result (12 points difference against 18 in 2022) also confirms the erosion of the majority in its historic strongholds. Emmanuel Macron will have to deal with an Assembly more fragmented than ever.

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2024-07-08 08:42:11

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