elon musk: Free for everyone .. Twist with Elon Musk .. Peace be upon Twitter users! – tesla ceo elon musk says twitter will be free for casual users but not for commercial government users

by time news
Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and the world’s richest man, has been trying to buy Twitter, a leading social networking site. Elon Musk first bought a 9.2% stake in Twitter.

Elon Musk later announced that he would buy Twitter in bulk. Intensive talks followed with Twitter management. It has been reported that Elon Musk has finally decided to buy Twitter for $ 44 billion.

Elon Musk is reportedly planning to make various changes after his acquisition of Twitter. In particular, Elon Musk plans to oust those in various positions from chief executive to appoint new officers.

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It was also reported that Elon Musk was planning to charge for his use of Twitter. This caused fear among ordinary Twitter users. In this case, Elon Musk explained.

Elon Musk wrote on his Twitter page, “Twitter is always free for ordinary users. Only commercial and government users may be charged a small fee. ” Thus Twitter users have left with a sigh of relief.

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