Elon Musk Tours Attacked Israeli Community and Advocates for Neutralizing Threats – Nov. 27, 2023

by time news

Elon Musk Calls for Neutralization of Those “Intent on Murder” After Touring Israeli Community Attacked by Hamas

Updated Nov. 27, 2023 3:05 pm ET

Elon Musk made a strong statement against violence after touring an Israeli community recently attacked by Hamas. The billionaire entrepreneur visited Kfar Aza, a kibbutz that was targeted by the militant group on Oct. 7. During the visit, Musk expressed his support for Israel and condemned acts of violence.

“Those intent on murder must be neutralized,” Musk said, emphasizing the need to address and prevent violent attacks on civilians. His comments came weeks after he described an antisemitic social media post as “the actual truth,” prompting widespread backlash and accusations of promoting hate speech.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accompanied Musk during the tour of Kfar Aza and showed him a video of the attacks on Israeli civilians. Following the visit, the two men livestreamed a conversation, discussing the importance of standing against terrorism and promoting peace in the region.

Musk’s visit and strong stance against violence have garnered both support and criticism. Some have praised him for speaking out against terrorism, while others have questioned his controversial statements and their potential impact on international relations.

The tour and livestreamed conversation between Musk and Netanyahu have sparked discussions about the role of influential figures in shaping public opinion and addressing global conflicts.

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