Elon Musk, Twitter and Freedom of Speech – Podcast

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Elon Musk, Twitter and Freedom of Speech

Stand: 02.05.2022

The “Media Week” is a podcast about the world of media and its makers

Source: world

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Elon Musk wants more freedom of expression on Twitter. His critics fear more chaos of opinion. The planned takeover of the platform has become a battle of faith. In our media podcast we talk about possible consequences.

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Elon Musk wants to know and has announced that he will buy Twitter completely. For $44 billion. The deal is not yet completely sealed, because the shareholders still have to approve the takeover bid. And Musk himself could still withdraw, even if it would cost him a billion dollars.

But the entrepreneurial genius Musk is known for calling off some announced projects. Musk fans are hailing the Twitter coup as a good sign for the future of the network’s ailing business, which isn’t nearly as profitable as Facebook. And they believe that the “free speech absolutist” Musk will correct the mistakes of the previous management of relying too much on moderation of content.

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Musk’s critics fear that he is overriding precisely these moderation rules and re-allowing Twitterers who have been blocked in the past, especially Donald Trump. Other skeptics point out that Musk himself could put his own interests as a businessman in the foreground and use Twitter as a PR vehicle even more than before. Musk himself will become Twitter, said New York Times columnist Ezra Klein, for example.

Musk himself says:

Here you will find content from Twitter

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In this edition of “Media Week” we look at Musk and Twitter – and on Netflix. The share price of the streaming service fell by almost half within a month. The reason for this is the falling number of users – not only are the users in Russia gone because Netflix has temporarily closed its business there. Apart from this special effect, there was also a minus in the first quarter – which was immediately punished by the stock market, which is demanding ever increasing user numbers. What does this mean for Netflix?

And finally, welcome to the New York Times’ new editor-in-chief, Joseph Kahn. His appointment probably didn’t surprise insiders, he was the perfect “inside man”, wrote the “New York Magazine” in a portrait. The magazine also published a photo of Kahn in an odd pose, unusual for an editor-in-chief.

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Mandarin on the mug: Pulitzer Prize winner Joe Kahn

The “Media Week” is a podcast about the world of media and its makers. Christian Meier, editor at WELT, and Stefan Winterbauer, editor-in-chief of the industry service Meedia, talk about the most important topics of the week every Friday. Background, analytical, entertaining.

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