Social media platform X has announced the labeling of fake parody accounts. In fact, many times users considered the parody account to be true. Because of these accounts, there was a lot of confusion between real and fake accounts. In such a situation, Elon Musk has announced the imposition of labels on these accounts, so that the real accounts can be identified, because it has often been seen that parody accounts look absolutely real. In such a situation, Elon Musk has announced to put labels on the profile and posts of parody accounts, so that there is no dilemma regarding parody accounts.
How will the label work?
A post on X claims that the purpose of labeling is transparency, so that users can easily identify the account. Users can easily add labels to their accounts. For this, first of all you have to go to the Settings and Privacy option of X account, where Your Account option will be visible. After this you have to go to the account information option.
Labeling feature is optional
For now the label feature has not been made mandatory. This means users can install it if they want, but it is expected that it may soon be made mandatory. However, details are not available as to when the label feature will be made mandatory. Let us tell you that the authenticity policy does not allow using the same account name and photo, but the company has permission to create parody, face based accounts. The idea of labeling parody accounts came in November. Parody accounts create a lot of confusion, especially in the case of news.
There was a problem due to lack of labeling
According to the report, in the last few years, Twitter, which is now known as X, used to be a major source of news. Also, political personalities and activists from India and abroad, journalists, actors and famous celebrities were present on X, but these people were facing problems due to credibility. In such a situation, the company has started labeling parody accounts. Before this, a parody account of Elon Musk himself was created, on which parody had to be written later.