Construction activity moved on an upward trajectory in the first half of the year, despite the decline recorded in June, according to the data announced today by the Hellenic Statistical Authority.

In particular, in the six months of January – June 2024, the total construction activity showed a 21.4% increase in the number of building permits, a 23.6% increase in surface area and a 16.9% increase in volume, in the entire country compared to the corresponding last semester. In the same period, private construction activity showed an increase of 21.7% in terms of the number of building permits, by 23.8% in terms of area and by 15.7% in volume, compared to the period January-June 2023 .

Focusing on the June figures, a total of 2,418 building permits were issued across the country, corresponding to 504,012 sq.m. surface and 2,329,218 sq.m. volume. In other words, there was a 1.7% decrease in the number of building permits, a 1.1% decrease in surface area and a 3.5% decrease in volume, compared to the corresponding month of 2023.

As far as private construction activity is concerned, in June this year the issued permits were 2,390, corresponding to 467,474 sq.m. surface and 2,067,497 sq.m. volume, showing a decrease of 1.4% in terms of the number of building permits, by 5.6% in area and by 12% in volume, compared to the corresponding month last year.

The issued permits for public building activity amounted in June to 28 building permits, corresponding to 36,538 sq.m. surface area and 261,721 sq.m. volume. The participation percentage of the public building activity in the total building volume, for June 2024, was 11.2%.

The picture by Region

The following table lists the detailed data by Region:

Source: ELSTAT

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