Email Mobilization and the Growing Russian Economy

by time news

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News of the day

In Russia, we will soon be able to receive their mobilization order… by e-mail. Russian deputies have passed a bill allowing mobilization orders to be sent electronically. This measure facilitates enlistment in the army in the context of an offensive in Ukraine. It also makes it harder to escape the army and will complicate the lives of those who have fled abroad.

Mobilization orders had until then been delivered by hand to the mobilized, which allowed many Russians to ignore these summonses or to have time to move, or even flee the country, as dozens have done. of thousands of men during the wave of mobilization in September to fight in Ukraine.

“A citizen who can be mobilized will be considered refractory if he has refused to receive his summons or if he cannot be reached,” the Duma said in its press release. Russian law provides for heavy prison sentences for those who do not join the army.

sentence of the day

Ukraine’s security services and their Western patrons have launched an aggressive recruitment and ideological campaign targeting our citizens, especially the younger generation. »

The head of the Russian security service (FSB), Alexander Bortnikov, on Tuesday accused Ukraine and the West of trying to incite the Russians to sabotage and armed rebellion. According to him, this campaign aims to involve Russians “in subversive, terrorist and extremist activities” in Russia. He assured that 118 “terrorist crimes” had been foiled in Russia since February, “whose perpetrators are young people and adolescents, including minors”

Aleksandr Bortnikov. – Gavriil Grigorov/SPUTNIK/SIPA

The number of the day

0,7 %. This is the forecast for Russian GDP growth in 2023, according to the International Monetary Fund. This is better than the 0.4% forecast three months ago. Despite the war and the sanctions, the Russian economy should therefore resist again in 2023 according to the IMF. While it was initially to be faced with a sharp contraction in its GDP in 2022, with a decline of 6%, Russia ended the year in a recession of “only” 2.1%.

“One thing that we have seen in 2022, less in 2023 and probably even less in 2024, is significant revenues from the energy sector, with very high prices which have helped support the country’s economy,” said explained Tuesday at a press conference the chief economist of the IMF, Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas.

The trend of the day

Western fighter jets could be delivered to Ukraine before summer, says the Danish government. Discussions take time because countries have to act together, but a decision remains achievable “in the short term”, Danish Defense Minister Troels Lund Poulsen said during a visit to Ukraine. “Denmark is not going to do this alone,” said the minister, quoted by several Danish media. “We will have to do this with several countries. And we will also have to have a dialogue with the Americans on this”.

Slovakia and Poland began delivering Soviet-designed Mig-29 fighter jets to kyiv in late March and early April respectively. Warsaw said it was ready to donate all of its hunter units, around thirty. But no modern Western plane, claimed by kyiv, has yet been delivered, even if several Western countries have displayed openings in this direction.

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