Embezzlement at Segalmex, reform of the Judicial Branch, IWC luxury watch, law students, United States, Claudia Sheinbaum, documentary on the Mayan Train, Morena legislators and more

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The President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) led the Morning conference today Thursday September 5, 2024 live from the National Palace with several topics on his agenda.

At the beginning of La Mañanera a report was presented in which the Theft of 2.7 billion pesos as part of the embezzlement in Mexican Food Security (Segalmex) registered in the current six-year term.

On another topic, López Obrador considered that whether Kamala Harris or Donald Trump wins the elections in the United States, the government of Claudia Sheinbaum will maintain good relations with him or the next president.

He assured that the reform of the judiciary It will benefit law students, because when they finish their studies, if they meet the requirements, “they will apply to be judges, ministers, magistrates (and) they will not need any help.”

Finally, AMLO denied that he uses a IWC luxury watch as spread on social media.

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” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen=”” title=”Morning press conference. Thursday, September 5, 2024 | President AMLO”>

Morning press conference: AMLO denies wearing a luxury IWC watch: “It costs around 2 thousand pesos”

AMLO denies that he uses a IWC luxury watch as spread on social media.

He clarifies that the watch he uses is from another brand, which he avoids mentioning, but He says it has a price between 2 thousand and 2 thousand 500 pesoswhich It was a gift from a friend of his and it never fails..

“Those who don’t like me say that I have a watch that is a famous brand, because that one is worth like 120 thousand pesos. This one is worth 2 thousand pesos, it’s the one I’ve always had.”


Embezzlement at Segalmex, reform of the Judicial Branch, IWC luxury watch, law students, United States, Claudia Sheinbaum, documentary on the Mayan Train, Morena legislators and more

AMLO’s watch (Video shot)

Morning press conference: AMLO boasts that in 9 years Morena has become the main political force in the Congress of the Union

AMLO displayed a photo of the Morena legislators in 2015 and another from Morena legislators in 2024 to highlight that in just 9 years Morena became the main political force in the country.

“Our movement has been made with the support of the people, it is from the bottom up and between everyone”


Morning press conference: AMLO says that reform to the Judicial Branch will benefit law students

AMLO assures that the reform of the judiciary It will benefit law students, because when they finish their degree, if they meet the requirements, “They will present themselves to be judges, to be ministers, to be magistrates (and) they will not need levers”.

Morning press conference: AMLO reiterates that he was not the one who chose Claudia Sheinbaum

AMLO assures that There was no ‘finger pointing’ in choosing Claudia Sheinbaum as Morena’s presidential candidate.

He points out that if there had been a finger pointing, those who were not elected would have accused the president of being “the great elector.”

I did not appoint, I chose the president-elect, it is not the finger, it is not the hidden one. If there is imposition, I would be reproached by those who did not succeed, they would be telling me: ‘it is that the president chose, he was the great elector’.


Morning press conference: AMLO highlights new chapter of documentary on the Mayan Train for being dedicated to Mexican workers

AMLO assures that he liked the new chapter of the Mayan Train documentarywhich will be published this Thursday, September 5, for being dedicated to Mexican workers and how they carry out great works.

“What I liked most about that episode that will air today at 9 p.m. is that it is dedicated primarily to workers, to the way Mexican workers do great works.”


Morning press conference: AMLO expects Sheinbaum’s government’s relationship with the United States to be good

AMLO believes that whether he wins Kamala Harris o Donald Trump In the US elections, the government of Claudia Sheinbaum will maintain good relations with him or the next president.

He points out that Sheinbaum is intelligent, experienced and sensitive.

“I think that whatever the result, whoever wins the election in the United States, will have a very good relationship with her. She is a very intelligent woman, well educated, experienced, she is a woman… very sensitive.”


Similarly, he expects the relationship with the Canadian government to be good.

“I see that things are going to go very well for him in his relationship with the United States government, with the Canadian government,” he says.

Morning press conference: AMLO acknowledges differences with Joe Biden’s government over stance on reform of the Judicial Branch

AMLO says that “practically” had no differences with Joe Biden’s government until the United States ambassador to Mexico, Ken Salazar, gave his opinion on the reform of the judiciary.

“There have been virtually no differences with President Biden, until now when they recklessly expressed their opinion on a matter that only concerns Mexicans”


AMLO’s morning press conference: Segalmex report presented; embezzlement of 2.7 billion pesos confirmed

The AMLO government confirmed the Theft of 2.7 billion pesos as part of the embezzlement in Segalmex registered in the current six-year term.

AMLO said he instructed the head of the Segob, Luisa María Alcalde, to make all documents in the case available to the public.

  • 4.7 billion pesos were clarified, of the initial amount of 9.5 billion pesos from the public accounts of 2019 and 2020
  • 2.1 billion pesos are being analyzed and, if not clarified, the corresponding complaints will be filed;
  • 2.7 billion pesos were not clarified, which corresponds to the patrimonial damage to Segalmex; the complaints have already been filed with the FGR

Federal Attorney General Grisel Galeano García detailed the legal actions taken in response to the fraud at Segalmex.

  • 156 complaints were filed against the same number of people
  • 47 people were investigated and an arrest warrant was obtained against all of them.
  • 26 people were linked to criminal proceedings, 9 are public servants and 17 are private individuals, 1 of these people is detained in Argentina and faces an extradition process
  • The main former public servants responsible for the events are in prison
    • René “N”, former head of Administration and Finance at Segalmex
    • Manuel “N”, former head of the Commercial Department of Segalmex
    • José “N”, former head of the Liconsa Operations Area

2024-09-05 15:55:32

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