"Emmanuel Macron Addresses National Rally’s Absence in Assembly: A Call for Political Responsibility"

by time news

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The president, guest of France 2 on Tuesday evening, acknowledged that the absence of the National Rally at the National Assembly’s offices was “not a good thing”.

He caught on. But for how long? Two weeks after the massive reorganization of the “Republican Front”, formed between the two rounds of legislative elections on the transpartisan comeback against the National Rally’s rise to power, Emmanuel Macron remains cautious about the next electoral deadline. The President of the Republic was invited first on Tuesday evening by France 2 and Radio France “Welcomed sense of responsibility” the French people who “Decided not to hand over to RN” the keys to the country, while the result of the first round obtained a relative or even absolute majority for Jordi Bardella’s movement.

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A way to alert the parties involved to this obstacle and motivate them to reshape the political landscape around most projects: “Their responsibility is enormous because the French will not write this check twice.” “All the political forces that said ‘we know how to agree not to let them rule’, let them do it! And it’s not like they return to world number one because that would not be on the level.he called. Recalling that on July 7, 11 million voters chose the Nationalist Party, he wanted “Take your full share” on this score. and believed that he “He was to be respected”, “It’s a clear message and a message of support.”the head of state stressed, who wants “Reply to the reasons for this vote”. even if it is part of a European movement that would translate it “The dissatisfaction of Western societies, and particularly European societies.” An analysis that contradicts Emmanuel Macron’s commitment, on the evening of his victory in 2017, that no French person“It’s still right” To vote for RN.

“There is no deputy”

While the Flame party did not win any seats in the National Assembly last week, Emmanuel Macron predicted that was not the case “It’s not good”These are elected officials “Legitimacy”, “There is no deputy”. The head of state also said “Astonished” by images of left-wing deputies who refused to shake hands with the youngest member of the Assembly, Flavien Termette (RN), who ensured the smooth conduct of the vote for the perch according to the rules. The president probably wanted to respect democracy, but Marine Le Pen immediately described her favorite opponent “Chief Commentator”, “They came to tell us that it is not good to deprive the RN of positions” and that it would be good to create a single party from the LFI to the LR through Macroni to govern.” “It’s still destitute.”

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