Emmanuel Macron announces that he wants to convene a “National Council for Refoundation” after the legislative elections

by time news
President Emmanuel Macron, during a meeting with French esport video game players at the Elysée Palace in Paris, June 3, 2022.

In an interview with several regional dailies, broadcast on the evening of Friday June 3, President Emmanuel Macron announced that he wanted to bring together after the legislative elections a “National Refoundation Council” with the “political, economic, social, associative forces” as well as citizens drawn by lot, on the reforms affecting in particular purchasing power, ecology, institutions and pensions.

In this interview, the Head of State clarified:

“I carried five objectives during the campaign: independence (industrial, military, food, etc.), full employment, carbon neutrality, public services for equal opportunities and democratic rebirth with institutional reform. To achieve them, I want to bring together a National Council for Refoundation, with the political, economic, social, associative forces, elected representatives of the territories and citizens drawn by lot. This advice, which I will launch myself, will be triggered immediately after the legislative elections. [des 12 et 19 juin]. »

He wants the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, and her government “can bring life” this National Council for Refoundation, a nod to the National Council of Resistance (CNR) which coordinated the various movements of the French interior resistance during the Second World War. “We live in a similar time”he argued, thereby justifying this reference to the CNR. “We are in a historic era which requires a profound change of model. And then the war is here [en Ukraine]. »

The pension reform in force “from the summer of 2023”

The President specifies that there will be “a first sequence of several days, then regular meetings” and that the first will relate to purchasing power, the number one concern of the French. “We are going to provide answers to civil servants with the index point, to retirees… As of this summer, the law will be voted [portant sur le] purchasing power and a simplification and urgency text for energy projectshe says. We will begin [ensuite] major projects: production, ecology, public services. »

Concerning the food check, he explains that the device “should be simple” for this check to be “paid in one go” and that’“then, we will have to move towards more targeted devices such as on gasoline, with a device for large wheelers starting this fall”. In this regard, the rebate of 18 cents on fuel will be extended in August, he confirmed. “There has to be visibility for our compatriots. I give it to you. »

“As for the work on the pension reform, which is essential to the financing of our transformations, it will begin after this council [national de la refondation] and the reform will come into force in the summer of 2023”said the head of state.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Emmanuel Macron in no hurry to tackle pension reform

On school and health, it provides that “Be defined our objectives and means” within this board before « discussions »which will be conducted from September, “on the ground, in the 1,200 living areas, with which all the stakeholders will be associated”. “The French are tired of reforms that come from above”insists Emmanuel Macron.

Putin made ‘a historic mistake’

The French president estimated on Friday that his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, had committed “a historic and fundamental error” by attacking Ukraine. “I think he isolated himself. Locking yourself in isolation is one thing, knowing how to get out of it is a difficult path.underlined Emmanuel Macron.

The French President repeated that it was not necessary “not humiliate Russia” – remarks very badly perceived in eastern Europe – “so that, the day the fighting stops, we can build a way out through diplomatic channels”.

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Pressed to go to Kyiv, when many of his European counterparts have already been there, he replied:

Today, I’m not ruling anything out.

“We want to increase financial and military support for Ukraine. And finally, do everything to get cereals out of Ukraine”he added, contradicting Vladimir Putin, for whom the export of these cereals is not ” not a problem. »

Deliveries by France of Cesar guns to the Ukrainian army will be “compensated”he also clarified. “I have asked our industrialists to accelerate the production of armaments, it is not only a question of replenishing our stocks, but also of strengthening our independence”insisted the head of state.

“A project of disorder and submission”

“I see in the project of Jean-Luc Mélenchon or Mme Le Pen a project of disorder and submission. They explain that we must leave our alliances, Europe, and build strategic alliances with Russia. It is submission to Russia”also asserted the president.

According to the Head of State, the program of Nupes, the new union of the left forged by Mr. Mélenchon, uses “Twenty times the word ‘taxation’ and thirty times the word ‘prohibition'”. “It’s a project of freedom, no doubt? That’s not going to drive people crazy, is it? »he asks.

I hope that, in the continuity of the presidential election, the French will choose solidity, a stable and serious majority to protect them in the face of crises and to act for the future.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers The suspended mandate of Emmanuel Macron before the legislative elections

While Jean-Luc Mélenchon wishes to become ” Prime Minister “ if the Nupes obtains the majority in the legislative elections, Emmanuel Macron affirms: “It is rare to win an election in which you do not run. The President chooses the person he appoints Prime Minister by looking at Parliament. No political party can impose a name on the president. »

On the institutions, Emmanuel Macron specifies that he will set up the transpartisan commission “starting this fall”and that he wishes « lancer [la] reform » proportional ” in autumn “ pour “to have the conclusions as early as 2023”.

“We must revitalize our democratic debate”underlines the president, who sees a “paradox in our societies, where the will to express oneself is very strong but with a disaffection for the elections”abstention having increased during the last elections.

Emmanuel Macron said to himself, on Friday, “indignant” by the events at the Stade de France during the Champions League final on Saturday. “I have a thought for the families who have been pushed around, who have not been able to access the places they had paid for. That’s why I want us to be able to compensate them as soon as possible.”he pointed out. “I have asked the government to determine the responsibilities and explain them in great detail to our compatriots, to the British and to the Spaniards”he repeated.

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