Emmanuel Macron announces the objective of “developing an RER network in the ten main French cities”

by time news

The President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, announced on Sunday November 27 his objective of developing RER-type daily rail transport in ten French cities in order to promote ecological transition.

“To fulfill our ecological ambition, I want us to have a great national ambition: that there be in ten large conurbations, ten large French cities, to develop a network of RER, urban trains. It is to say, basically, that the RER is not only in Paris. In the 10 main French cities, where there is thrombosis, where there is too much traffic, where travel is complicated, we must have a real urban transport strategy and this is a great objective for ecology , economy, quality of life, he explained in a sequence posted on YouTube, in which he answers questions from Internet users about ecology.

The Regional Express Network (RER) is the dense network of regional trains circulating in Ile-de-France at a high rate. It has steadily expanded since the 1960s.” The RER is not only in Paris”, we pleaded Sunday evening in the presidential entourage, underlining the project of “ensure that in the large French cities that are currently congested, people who have commuter journeys can do so without a car, by decarbonizing their journeys thanks to these metropolitan RERs”.

Read the forum (2020): Article reserved for our subscribers “Should French metropolises be equipped with RERs like Paris? »

The Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, will be responsible for carrying out these major works, the same source indicated, and while “projects have started to emerge in the territories”. For the Elysée, “it’s about putting a boost and prioritizing in 10 cities”, auguring a “big planning job”.

Also read the analysis: Article reserved for our subscribers Vital but long neglected, the RER B has become hell for its users

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