Emmanuel Macron assures that France will deliver “additional weapons” to kyiv

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15h02 : A work by Banksy almost disappeared in kyiv. Ukrainian police managed to thwart yesterday an attempt to steal a work attributed to the famous British artist, painted with stencil in the suburbs of the capital.


15h03 : At the same time, the Kremlin claims that Vladimir Putin will visit the Donbass “on time”. “It’s a region of Russia”, Dmitry Peskov told the press. The Russian president has not yet visited this area of ​​​​eastern Ukraine annexed at the end of September, without his army controlling it entirely.

14h48 : Russia opposes capping the price of its oil. “We will not accept this ceiling”, Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters. However, he claimed that Moscow had “prepare” upstream “for such a ceiling”without giving further details.

14h04 : It’s already 2 p.m., let’s take a look at the news:

• Emmanuel Macron assures that France will deliver “additional weapons” in Kyiv. The French president recalled on TF1 that Europe and the United States shared a common will: “continue to help Ukraine to resist”.

• The Minister of Transport, Clément Beaune, called for the “collective responsibility” to avoid end-of-year strikes. At the same time, the strike movement continues, with very disrupted rail traffic this weekend: only 4 out of 10 trains will run.

• A magnitude 5.7 earthquake struck the island of Java. According to the US Geological Survey, the earthquake occurred at a depth of 112.5 km 18 km southeast of the town of Banjar, in the west of the island.

• Today marks the start of the round of 16 in Qatar, including the USA-Netherlands game at 4pm and the match between Australia and Argentina at 8pm. For their part, the Blues are preparing for their match against Poland, which will take place tomorrow.

13h22 : “One thing we need to discuss is the security architecture we want to live in tomorrow.”

The French president claimed to have spoken for a long time about the conflict with his American counterpart Joe Biden. The two Heads of State notably discussed “comment” protect the “Member States” of NATO.

12h54 : The Ukrainian authorities call on the population to “to own” against power outages. In recent weeks, Russian strikes have extensively damaged the national power grid.

12h34 : It’s noon, time to make a new point on the titles:

• Rail traffic looks set to be very disrupted this weekend. SNCF has announced a strike by TGV and Intercités controllers until Sunday: only 4 out of 10 trains will run. A gradual recovery is expected on Monday.

• A magnitude 5.7 earthquake struck the island of Java. According to the US Geological Survey, the earthquake occurred at a depth of 112.5 km 18 km southeast of the town of Banjar, in the west of the island.

• Russian economy “will be destroyed” by the capping of its oil prices and it “will pay and be responsible for all his crimes”, said on Telegram the chief of staff of the Ukrainian presidency, Andriï Yermak. Follow the latest news from the war in Ukraine in our live.

• Today marks the start of the round of 16 in Qatar, including the USA-Netherlands game at 4pm and the match between Australia and Argentina at 8pm. For their part, the Blues are preparing for their match against Poland, which will take place tomorrow.

10h22 : The Russian economy “will be destroyed” by the capping of its oil prices and it “will pay and be responsible for all his crimes”, prophesied on Telegram the chief of staff of the Ukrainian presidency, Andriï Iermak. Follow the latest news from the war in Ukraine in our live.

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