Emmanuel Macron at war against Russian propaganda in Africa and signing of a European gas agreement

by time news

Did you miss the latest events on the war in Ukraine? Do not panic, 20 Minutes takes stock for you every evening at 7:30 p.m. Who did what ? Who said what? Where are we ? The answer below:

news of the day

It’s historic. The energy ministers of the European Union, meeting in Brussels, agreed on Tuesday for their countries to reduce their gas consumption in a coordinated way, thus flying to the aid of Germany, after the announcement of a new drastic drop in Russian deliveries.

Hungary, however, on Tuesday denounced an “unjustifiable, unnecessary, unenforceable and harmful” agreement. Among the Twenty-Seven, only this country opposed the text, which is therefore adopted by qualified majority.

The phrase

It was not the sanctions that created the situation but the war decided by Russia. It is still the responsibility of Russia, the situation in which we are”

Emmanuel Macron is in operation seduction in West Africa. From Cameroon, the French president wanted to “twist the neck of many Russian untruths” on the reasons for the world food crisis which, according to him, are experiencing “a certain success in African public opinion”.

At the same time, the head of Russian diplomacy Sergey Lavrov, also on tour on the continent, considered for his part that Russia was not responsible for the “energy and food crises”.

The number

10.000. This is the number of laptops that France will deliver to Ukrainian doctors according to the Ukrainian Minister of Digital Transformation, Mykhailo Fedorov, quoted by The Kyiv Independent. He said the devices will make it easier for doctors to communicate with their patients and called Ukrainian doctors heroes saving people’s lives under enemy fire.

The trend

Meanwhile, Russian shelling continues and Ukrainian landscapes are unrecognizable. Footage released by Ukraine’s state emergency services showed the damage inflicted on Zatoka, a Black Sea resort west of Odessa, after a Russian night bombardment.

Gutted houses, torn roofs, rubble strewn on the ground… Early in the morning, firefighters were busy putting out the flames in a small block of destroyed houses. ” It’s morning. An ordinary village, Zatoka. People were resting and living, ”responded President Volodymyr Zelensky on Instagram.

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