Emmanuel Macron calls for “unity” in the face of “the end of abundance” and “recklessness”

by time news

The Head of State and the executive returned to school on Wednesday August 24. On this occasion, Emmanuel Macron called on the government to “unity” in front of “the big rocker” which marks this recovery with “the end of abundance”, “obviousness” et “recklessness”.

After three weeks of vacation, the president set the course by speaking at length at the start of the back-to-school council of ministers, a speech exceptionally broadcast live.

“It’s a big shift that we are experiencing”warned the Head of State, returning to the recent “series of serious crises”from Ukraine to drought, as a preamble to the Council of Ministers at the Elysée Palace. “The moment we are living in may seem to be structured by a series of serious crises (…) and it could be that some see our destiny as being to perpetually manage crises or emergencies. For my part, I believe that what we are experiencing is more of the order of a major shift or a major upheaval.said Emmanuel Macron.

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Call for “unity”

While, faced with this situation, the Head of State considered that the French “may react with great anxiety”he called on members of the government to “say things”at “naming with great clarity and without catastrophism”. “I expect the government to respect the word given and the commitments we have made to the nation”he added.

“What I hope we can do in the coming weeks and months is to reaffirm a very strong unity of the government, of the forces of the majority” around “on a course that will allow us to consolidate our sovereignty, our French and European independence”he said.

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In front of “the rise of illiberal regimes” and at “reinforcement of authoritarian regimes”the President called on Ministers to ” serious “at ” credibility “ and not to give in to the temptation of “demagoguery”. “It’s easy to promise anything and everything, sometimes to say anything and everything. Do not give in to these temptations, it is that of demagoguery. They flourish in all democracies today, in a complex and frightening world. It can always sound seductive to say what people want to hear (…) but we must first reason by asking ourselves if it is effective and useful”he added, without citing concrete examples.

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The World with AFP

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