Emmanuel Macron confirms the launch of a citizens’ convention on the end of life

by time news

Emmanuel Macron confirmed on Thursday September 8 the forthcoming launch of a “citizens’ agreement” on the end of life, believing that“We need to move for more humanity”on the sidelines of the launch of the National Council for Refoundation (CNR) in Marcoussis (Essonne).

“The approach I committed to during the presidential campaign is to launch a citizens’ convention in its own right but also to make the political forces work” of Parliament, assured the Head of State to the press, recalling that the Ethics Committee had to submit a report ” next Tuesday “, September 13.

During the presidential campaign, Emmanuel Macron had already announced his desire to establish a “citizens’ agreement” on the subject to settle the debates concerning euthanasia and the end of life for “move calmly”.

” Method “

“I will have the opportunity next Tuesday to say the method and how we are going to punctuate this work to allow society to take into account the essential developments on this immense subject”he specified.

The Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, had mentioned this convention during the government seminar on August 31. On Monday September 5, the President of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet, declared that she was waiting for “Parliament can be quickly seized of a text relating to the end of life”.

In May 2021, 296 deputies from all sides, more than half of the National Assembly, had asked Prime Minister Jean Castex, in a letter, to include the bill authorizing euthanasia on the agenda. , the examination of which could not be completed in April. Despite broad support, the bill creating a right to “a free and chosen end of life” of MP Olivier Falorni (Liberties and Territories group) could not be adopted, in the face of thousands of amendments tabled by a few elected Les Républicains and a constrained time.

” Need some time “

“It is now important to continue this parliamentary work. The French urge that everything be done in the current period to protect the living and to humanize the agony of the dying.” in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, then underlined the nearly 300 deputies, led by Yaël Braun-Pivet, then president of the law commission (La République en Marche, LRM), her colleague “walker” Jean-Louis Touraine and M Falorni, in particular.

“The debate deserves to take place, there is no doubt”but it has ” need some time “ also on a subject « sensible », had estimated before the Assembly the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran. However, he had promised better application of the current French law, known as Claeys-Leonetti, adopted in 2016, which provides for deep and continuous sedation that can lead to death, but without active euthanasia.

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