Emmanuel Macron continues to “prepare the sequel” in the Pyrenees, the PS suspends discussions with LFI… The political news of the day

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The world has been keeping the 2022 presidential election campaign diary since January: a daily report published every evening at 7 p.m. From next week, the recap becomes weekly and changes schedule: from May 6, we give you an appointment every Friday, at 6 p.m., to continue to follow political news with us.

News of the day. The Socialist Party suspends discussions with La France insoumise, environmentalists evoke “an agreement in sight” for the legislative elections

A step forward, a step back? After reaching out to La France insoumise (LFI) in the morning, the Socialist Party (PS) delegation ” suspended “Friday at midday, the ongoing negotiations with the “rebellious” with a view to an agreement in the legislative elections, requesting the ” guarantee “ that the movement of Jean-Luc Mélenchon “break with all hegemonic logic”.

In a four-page letter communicated earlier in the morning, the PS announced that it subscribed to LFI’s proposals – increase in the minimum wage to 1,400 euros net, retirement at 60, restoration of wealth tax , switch to a VIe Republic, among others – with a view to an agreement for the legislative elections.

On the subject of Europe, LFI had announced that disobedience to “European rules incompatible with [ses]propositions » should be part of the deal. In its press release, the PS gave its approval, while warning: “The implementation of the program that we are building will necessarily lead to tensions, to finding contradictions and not respecting certain rules. »

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This statement caused a stir within the party. The president of the Occitanie region, Carole Delga, and the mayor of Montpellier, Michaël Delafosse, or even the senator of Val-d’Oise Rachid Temal have shown themselves to be hostile to the electoral agreement under discussion.

For its part, the environmental party announced on Friday morning that it was close to an agreement with the “rebellious”. “The deal is in sight”announced Julien Bayou, the general secretary of the party, who “hope that these negotiations will succeed in the coming hours”. Asked about France 2, Mr. Bayou even wished, if the agreement is concluded by then, that LFI and Europe Ecologie-Les Verts (EELV) parade “Under the same banner – “Popular and Ecologist Union”, for example – during the demonstrations of 1is-May. It would be a signal to launch the third round of the presidential election..

The picture. Emmanuel Macron continues to “prepare the sequel” in the Pyrenees

Emmanuel Macron on the church square in Barbazan-Debat (Hautes-Pyrénées), Friday April 29, 2022.

Emmanuel Macron took advantage of a trip to the Hautes-Pyrénées on Friday April 29 to express his wish to“a return to calm and harmony” after the presidential battle. ” Everything in its time “replied the re-elected President of the Republic, questioned by the press to find out if he had decided on the name of his next Prime Minister, during a walkabout in Barbazan-Debat, before going to the grave of his grandmother, in Montgaillard.

“You have an exceptional prime minister, it is still the end of this five-year term. It’s only been two days since the Constitutional Council announced the results, things have to be done in good order. Listen, breathe: there is an appeasement to be had with everyone, we are coming out of this presidential campaign, where there was sometimes a little tension. It is important that we act and that there is a return to calm and harmony.he explained.

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It’s necessary “finish this mandate first” et “preparing for the sequel”in “kind of settling phase”, summarized the Head of State. He stressed that this post-presidential was “very atypical”. “My predecessors came out of cohabitation, so there was like a rupture, immediately, governmental”argued Mr. Macron.

But after this presidential “It’s the first time since 1965 that we have continuity. So, we have to accept with a lot of human delicacy to say: we have a team that is completing this mandate (…)we continue to prepare the rest, and then the investiture being made, to be able to reproject “Judge the Head of State. “There will be a democratic time with the legislative elections, but [il faut] immediately reproject through decisions, with new faces. There will be elements of continuity, elements of renewal.promised the President of the Republic.

Read also: Emmanuel Macron re-elected president: what are the next steps until the legislative elections?

The number. 350

This is the number of trips to France that the Prime Minister, Jean Castex, will have made in twenty-two months of presence at Matignon. Jean Castex has kept the image of a prime minister “territories”loyal to Mr. Macron, even if it means going under the radar.

Arrived at Matignon on July 3, 2020, Mr. Castex, unknown to the general public, tried to impose himself by digging a furrow: the sovereign. During his first weeks, between two waves of Covid-19, Mr. Castex insisted on safety, going to Nice, Dijon, Bobigny… before being caught up in the fall by the health situation.

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True to its reputation as “croque-memes”, as Jean-Jacques Bourdin had quipped, Mr. Castex regularly chatted with the elderly, slipping health instructions for vaccination or barrier gestures. Sometimes borrowed in front of the cameras, he is more at ease on the ground, willingly tactile and good-natured. It is through his management of the Covid-19 epidemic that Mr. Castex found his place, media and political, during his press conferences to confine or deconfine France and detail the restriction measures.

Under the halls of Figeac (Lot), Friday April 22, two days before the second round, Mr. Macron paid him a strong tribute. The president then entrusted his ” happiness “ to have Jean Castex as Prime Minister at his side for two years, “to have a man devoted to the region, to the country, in times of crisis, at the helm”.

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The archive. The day when… In 1981, the business world considered the third round, before changing its mind

Archive of the

Staff of large companies, financial circles, representatives of foreign groups, senior civil servants… Forty-one years ago, the business world suffered, on the evening of May 10, 1981, a trauma from which it would only recover slowly. “It is no secret that these circles are not full of sympathizers of the left”wrote the journalist Jean-Michel Quatrepoint in The world dated May 16, continuing: “There were indeed a few Gaullists, even a few originals, who wanted ‘change’. But few were those who had psychologically prepared themselves for the defeat of Mr. Giscard d’Estaing. »

The journalist says that“At the beginning of the week we heard here and there, in the meetings of the management committees of large companies, calls for revenge. Some declared themselves ready to play the politics of the worst… to win the third round”. But, as the days go by, reason seems to prevail, we learn in this article titled “Industrialists in expectation”. The men in the field, the company managers, just like the senior civil servants, among whom the sense of the national interest is great, take precedence over the “politics”.

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Nevertheless, the managers of the major French groups still have fears about exports. Engaged by the previous government in a policy of sales at all costs, French industry had fully bet on the markets of the Middle East, but also on countries such as South Korea, South Africa, Argentina… All these States have quite coldly welcomed the election of François Mitterrand. The latter had also made no secret of his reluctance to trade on a large scale, and for sensitive materials, with countries like South Africa or Argentina.

In the Socialist Party, we became aware of all these difficulties, and in particular of the need to make contact as quickly as possible with France’s major clients and foreign business circles. “If not to reassure, at least to clarify and explain the attitude and options of the new team”says Jean-Michel Quatrepoint.

On the agenda for Sunday 1is May

International Workers Day. Unions, associations and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) mobilized on environmental issues call to demonstrate everywhere in France, Sunday, for the traditional International Workers’ Day, a week after the second round of the presidential election.

Between one hundred and one hundred and fifty rallies are planned in the country. The Parisian demonstration will leave at 2:30 p.m. from Place de la République in the direction of Place de la Nation. The drafting of Monde is mobilized to follow this day live on Lemonde.fr with many journalists in the field.

Jeanne D’Arc. Jordan Bardella, the acting president of the National Rally, lays a wreath in honor of Joan of Arc, in Paris, before holding a videoconference with all the candidates and executives of the far-right party for the legislative elections .

In the post. The first secretary of the Socialist Party, Olivier Faure, is the guest of the program “Political Questions” at noon on France Inter, in partnership with The world and France Televisions.

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