“Emmanuel Macron is an amoral psychopath”, according to the Italian psychiatrist Adriano Segatori

by time news

After a five-year term marked by two major crises (those of the Yellow Vests and Covid-19), the dismantling of the health system (5,700 hospital beds cut in 2020, around 15,000 caregivers suspended), 600 billion in debt, a debt to GDP ratio of 120%, scandals such as the Benalla, McKinsey and Rothschild affair, and a contempt shown towards the French, it is interesting to try to understand who governs us. The Italian professor and psychiatrist Adriano Segatori has taken on the heavy task of analyzing Emmanuel Macron. Through two videos (the first published in 2017 and the other in 2022), he delivers some leads…

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A difficult childhood ?

The psychiatrist begins by explaining that to build his analysis, he relied on the biography claimed by Emmanuel Macron, as well as photographs of the president. The professor continues with a shock statement: according to him, Emmanuel Macron was sexually assaulted at the age of 15, by his theater teacher at the time, who was then 39 and who is none other than Brigitte Macron, his current wife.

Far from there “rose water romance” between a teacher and her student, it would rather be a “restorative marriage” of a rape, the act in itself having prevented Emmanuel Macron from growing up in a normal way and would have transformed him into a “child in a man’s body”. According to him, the source of the French president’s psychopathy is therefore linked to a problem of pedophilia. And, the latter having exceeded “taboos” by marrying his theater teacher 24 years his senior, he became omnipotent: nothing could stop him. So he sees no problem favoring those who love and obey him, while destroying those who resist him. “A narcissism that it is not forbidden to define as malicious”advances the professor.

Then, the psychiatrist explains that in addition to that, Emmanuel Macron has had an extraordinary ambition since his earliest childhood, which has allowed him to reach the highest echelons of the State, in particular thanks to his visit to the Economic Forum. global.

The Paradigms of Emmanuel Macron

In short, as early as 2017, Adriano Segatori identified three paradigms that define the character:

– The idea that there are no limits;
– A feeling of omnipotence from childhood, even more present in adults;
– A malevolent narcissism.

These three paradigms structure the psychopathya psychic organization which, according to the psychiatrist, corresponds perfectly to Emmanuel Macron.

He continues his description by explaining that the psychopath “is not trustworthy, but succeeds through the fascination he exerts in convincing his interlocutor, he also has no remorse”. In an interview with TF1 in mid-December 2021, Emmanuel Macron said he could have avoided certain formulas “terribly hurtful”even that he regretted some of them… Immediately afterwards, at the beginning of January 2022, he declared that he had “wanting to piss off the unvaccinated”adding “that an irresponsible person is no longer a citizen”. It is hard to believe in his MEA culpa

Adriano Segatori concluded his first analysis by giving the three main reasons that make Emmanuel Macron a danger:

– Like all psychopaths, Macron has a high opinion of himself;
– Emmanuel Macron does not like France and does not fight for the people of France;
– Emmanuel Macron loves himself enormously and struggles to maintain his fragile identity.

“Psychopathy Assessment”

Five years later, the Italian psychiatrist confirms his first diagnosis by stating that it is clearly a “psychopathy assessment”.

According to him, “Emmanuel Macron has a high IQ, a great culture, an incisive capacity for communication, an obvious although superficial charisma and a greatness that brings him to an absence of limits, a great capacity for manipulation, a total absence of feelings of guilt, cynicism and a great capacity for mimicry”. Moreover, he goes further in his analysis, since he considers that the “Jupiterian ruler” constitutes a danger not only for the French people, but also for Italy and all of Europe, knowing that he is now presiding over the Council of the European Union. Adriano Segatori then states that “Macron can join forces against France like Mario Draghi joins forces against Italy”.

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He takes the example of the European summit in Versailles on March 10 and 11, which gave the re-elected president the opportunity to make an ostensible demonstration of his power, “a self-celebration and autocratic display of his power”. A friend of the psychiatrist had suggested the neologism of “Napoleon Syndrome” to designate Emmanuel Macron at that time: a narcissist unable to admit that he could have failed, because that would amount to questioning his inner self and would cause an indelible narcissistic wound.

In his second video, Adriano Segatori repeats that “Macron n’a pas de morale”that he is a “predator” which must succeed in immobilizing a prey. Symbolically, it may be France, or the French… whom he rightly warns. According to him, a being endowed with reason should be afraid when a president says: “We will limit access to social life for the non-vaccinated”. Those who don’t go “the sense of good”, in other words the Yellow Vests, the non-vaccinated or even the anti-sanitary passes, seem to be his adversaries, his prey. Emmanuel Macron pursues a goal without bothering with moral and ethical considerations and crushes those who do not adhere to his policy.

Read also: Ode to joy and solemn march with young people: the much criticized staging of Emmanuel Macron

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