Emmanuel Macron on France Inter, Marine Le Pen on Europe 1… Follow the last day of the campaign

by time news

For the legislative elections, Jean-Luc Mélenchon wants the left to be “as grouped” as possible

During a press conference at the Maison de la chimie on Thursday evening, the candidate arrived 3e in the presidential election has already wished to turn to the legislative elections. Mr. Mélenchon notably said that he wanted the leftists to be « as grouped as we can be”so that his movement wins the majority in the June legislative elections and he becomes prime minister.

Thursday evening, he included LFI, the PCF, EELV, the far left and even the PS in the “popular bloc”, one of the three blocks, according to him, that drew the first round of the presidential election, facing the “neoliberal block” led by Emmanuel Macron and the “extreme right block” of Marine Le Pen. He talked about “informal contacts” committed « sans exclusive »even if the PS has not yet been invited. “We suggest that anyone who wants to come together do so. You manage for the distribution, I don’t take care of it “said Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

“Right now it’s moving. It is not an electoral agreement. We don’t have a hegemonic will, we want to share a strategy, we can’t if we don’t agree on the program”, said the deputy of Bouches-du-Rhône. The latter conceded that concessions could be made, up to a point: “We can mark a new stage, but we are not going to take everything away. Everyone who speaks with us must accept the idea.. For the third presidential man, “what is taking place is a clarification”. More “we must not think that we are settling scores, we have lost if we do that”he acknowledged, before assuring: “We have no interest in dominating. We must enter the next battle as united as we can be. »

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