Emmanuel Macron promises a school that changes, and list of subjects that annoy teachers

by time news

2023-04-18 00:50:42

A changing school “at a glance” ? Emmanuel Macron promised it, Monday, April 17 in his televised address, referring to the reform of the vocational high school and then listing the transformations to come. “from the start of the school year” : the improvement of replacements, the revaluation of teachers’ salaries, the daily half-hour of sports at school and the establishment of a weekly hour of tutoring at college. In doing so, the Head of State has actually listed projects already in progress and which are, for the most part, the subject of intense tension from the educational community.

  • The reform of the vocational high school, a site that gets stuck

Emmanuel Macron referred to this reform, which has been under negotiation for several months, indicating that it was a question of supporting young people towards “more ‘integrating’ training” or “towards employment”. This overhaul project has greatly strained teachers, who are awaiting final decisions. At the start of the school year in September, President Macron had indeed promised a 50% increase in the duration of internships, provoking the ire of the unions.

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This increase, if it will not be 50%, is still on the agenda, we are assured in the union ranks. The co-secretary general of SNUEP-FSU, Sigrid Girardin, indicated Monday evening at the Monde that a meeting with the Minister Delegate for Vocational Education, Carole Grandjean, was scheduled for April 18. But it was postponed at the request of the inter-union, specifies Mme Girardin.

  • Teacher replacements, an impossible promise

Assuring that our school must “to reconnect with the ambition of being one of the best in Europe”, Mr. Macron recalled his commitment to systematically replace absent teachers. But on this point, the fight is far from won, since the executive is banking on the success of the “pact”, this new device designed to guarantee better remuneration for teachers who accept additional missions, including replacements.

If the Minister of National Education, Pap Ndiaye, hopes to cover replacement needs by mobilizing a quarter of the 480,000 secondary school teachers under the pact, there is no guarantee that such a number will spontaneously apply. “Systematically replacing teachers at the start of the school year is materially impossible, and the pact will not allow it”assured Sophie Vénétitay, the general secretary of the SNES-FSU, after the presidential address.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers How and why the teacher pact became a casus belli between the unions and the government

The formula also tensed, since the president presented this question as a change ” for the parents “. “That says a lot”, grinds Stéphane Crochet, from SE-UNSA. Many teachers are worried, in fact, about a replacement method at a discount and an overload of work for those who agree to take it on.

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