Emmanuel Macron receives the various political forces; the opposition asks that he take into account the legislative elections: live political news

by time news

“We are the first opposition, we will assume responsibilities”, argues Sébastien Chenu (RN)

The deputy from the North and spokesman for the National Rally (RN), Sébastien Chenu, was on the set of LCI this morning.

While Marine Le Pen will be received at the end of the afternoon by the Head of State as part of the consultation of the opposition parties about to form a group in the National Assembly launched by the Elysée, he argued that she would tell Emmanuel Macron that the 89 RN deputies matter “playing the institutional game” et “that he must govern differently”.

“We are not going to seek to transform the Assembly into a ZAD or a squat, to ‘mess up’ political life, that is not our role. But we want to be respected in return”, he declared, in a barely hidden spade at La France insoumise and an attempt to give credibility to the far-right party, whose new contingent in the Hemicycle is historic. He repeated refusing ” ruckus “ : « We are the first opposition, we will assume responsibilities and we will be respected. »

“We will oppose Emmanuel Macron without any concessions”he however clarified, saying that the debate must take place in the National Assembly and not be circumvented in “Theodule committees”, such as “the thingy” of the National Council for Refoundation, launched by the Head of State, which must be abandoned, according to Mr. Chenu.

The deputy also confirmed that the RN claims to want to occupy the presidency of the finance committee, a key position in the National Assembly, and also requests a post of quaestor and a vice-presidency of one of the eight permanent committees.

“La Nupes exploded last night. Mr. Mélenchon wanted to twist the arm of his allies by suffocating them within a group that LFI would have dominated”also declared Mr. Chénu about the proposal of the “rebellious” leader for the creation of a single group bringing together the deputies of the left-wing coalition rather than an intergroup in order to get ahead in number and places the RN – which was refused by the other parties.

As for a possible motion of censure by LFI that intends to table if a vote of confidence does not take place during the general policy speech, Mr. Chenu replied: “Mr. Mélenchon’s cinema permanently tires the French: life goes on without him. We are responsible people and we are going to demonstrate it. »

The RN will in any case not vote for confidence in Mme Borne if she remains prime minister, he said: “Elisabeth Borne seems to me to be very poorly equipped to lead the action of the government, she will not have our confidence. »

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