Emmanuel Macron “saddened by the death” of the Minister of the Interior in a helicopter crash

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16h21 : The paramilitary group Wagner claims to have found the lifeless body of a soldier of the French Foreign Legion, Evguéni Y., in the Donetsk region. In support, he produced French military identity documents and a Ukrainian driver’s license. This man had actually deserted the ranks of the legion last September, a source familiar with the matter told franceinfo. At this stage, it is impossible to confirm the death from an independent source.

15h43 : The head of the Ukrainian national police, Ihor Klymenko, will exercise the interim at the head of the Ministry of the Interior, after the death of Denys Monastyrsky in a helicopter accident in Brovary. The candidate for the succession will be the subject of a vote in Parliament before his official appointment, specifies the Prime Minister, Denys Chmyhal.

15h17 : The toll of the helicopter crash near kyiv has just been revised downwards. This morning, a spokesman for the national police had initially announced 18 deaths. The presidency then revised its death toll to 16 dead, then to 14 dead this afternoon.

14h53 : Contacted by local Ukrainian authorities, the French Bureau of Investigation and Analysis (BEA) is waiting to find out whether the Super Puma that crashed in Brovary (Ukraine) is a military device or not. The French authority announces to franceinfo that it will participate in the investigation, if it is a civilian helicopter. The aircraft that crashed belonged to the State Service for Emergency Situations, which depends on the Ministry of the Interior.

14h25 : We take stock of the news of this early afternoon:

The CGT’s threats to cut off electricity to certain elected officials are “unacceptable”assured government spokesman Olivier Véran, during the report of the Council of Ministers. Follow our live.

The German Interior Minister announces that she has offered kyiv the “support” of Germany in the investigation aimed at clarifying the causes of the crash of a helicopter which killed at least 18 people, including his Ukrainian counterpart. Follow our live.

An investigation for “abuse of social property” targeting the company Go Sport was opened in November, announces the Grenoble prosecutor’s office to France Télévisions, confirming information from Release.

#WEATHER FORECAST Météo France lifts its orange vigilance for snow concerning the departments of Puy-de-Dôme, Allier and Saône-et-Loire. There remain four departments in orange vigilance for snow-ice, namely the Loire, the Rhône, the Ain and the Isère.

13h50 : In the east of Ukraine, in the Donbass, the fighting intensified in particular in Soledar and Bakhmut, two very disputed cities. Clashes causing heavy losses on both sides. Our special envoys went to a military hospital.


13h07 : German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser announces that she has offered kyiv the “support” of Germany in the investigation aimed at clarifying the causes of the crash of a helicopter which claimed at least 18 victims, including his Ukrainian counterpart Denys Monastyrsky.

12h37 : A fire broke out after the crash (500 m2 caught fire) but it is now extinguished. A total of 127 people are mobilized in the rescue operations and psychologists are also working on the scene. The Ministry of the Interior and the State Emergency Service are posting their mourning on social networks.

12h43 : The Ukrainian State Emergency Service confirms the accident of one of its helicopters (DSNS ЕС-225) in a statement. Of the nine people on board, three were crew members attached to it and six were part of the teams of the Ministry of the Interior. Among them, let us remember: the Minister of the Interior, Denys Monastyrsky, his deputy, Yevgeny Yenin, and the Secretary of State for the Ministry of the Interior, Yuri Lubkovich.

12h25 : Emmanuel Macron said to himself “saddened by the tragic death” of Ukrainian Interior Minister Denys Monastyrsky in the crash of his helicopter. The French President expresses his “thoughts” to the victims of the accident which killed at least 18 people, including three children.

12h02 : It’s noon, we take stock of the news:

“It is welcome that the French question and debate” of the pension reform project, according to Olivier Véran. However, the government spokesman hopes that “this popular expression will not turn into a blockade”. Follow our live.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky laments a “terrible tragedy” after the death of 18 people, including his interior minister, in the helicopter crash near kyiv. Follow our live.

Registrations on the Parcoursup post-baccalaureate admission platform begin this afternoon for senior high school students and students in reorientation. They have until March 9 inclusive to choose from among 21,000 state-recognized training courses.

There are only seven departments left on orange alert, all because of the risk of snow and ice: Ain, Allier, Isère, Loire, Puy-de-Dôme, Rhône and Saone-et-Loire.

11h23 : “Today a terrible tragedy happened in Brovary. (…) The pain is unspeakable.”

11h21 : Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky laments a “terrible tragedy” after the death of 18 people, including his interior minister, in the helicopter crash near kyiv.

11h08 : Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Chmygal reacts to the helicopter crash that killed Interior Minister Denys Monastyrsky this morning. He laments “a great loss for the government and the whole state”.

10h56 : Charles Michel, President of the European Council, deplores the death of the Ukrainian Minister of the Interior, “a great friend of the EU”. He expresses his “deepest condolences” to the Ukrainian people.

10:30 a.m : There were nine people on board the helicopter that crashed, they are all dead. The other victims are children and adults who were in the kindergarten of Brovary, explains the presidential adviser Kirill Tymoshenko during a press briefing on Ukrainian television. The Minister and his assistants were destined for a “hotspot” hostilities.

10h08 : Bonjour @Tini. At this stage, the causes of the helicopter crash in Brovary are not yet established. “We are studying all possible leads. The preliminary investigation has been entrusted to investigators from the security services”that is, the secret service, Ukraine’s Prosecutor General Andriy Kostin said in a statement.

10h06 : Do we already know the cause of the crash of the helicopter in Ukraine? An attack ? A missile ? An accident ?

10h18 : Last year, France Télévisions followed Ukrainian Interior Minister Denys Monastyrsky, who died this morning in a helicopter crash in Brovary. Journalist Maryse Burgot had accompanied him on a visit to the front line, a few days before the start of the Russian invasion.


09h53 : A rescue operation is underway on the site of Brovary, where a helicopter crashed, near a kindergarten. At this stage, 18 people have died, including three minors, reports presidential adviser Kirill Tymoshenko. Twenty-two people were hospitalized, including ten minors.

09h28 : The First Deputy Minister of the Interior and the Secretary of State for the Interior also died in this accident. At this stage, the first assessment reports 16 words, including two minors, and 22 hospitalized victims, including ten minors, said a spokesperson for the national police.

09h28 : The helicopter crashed near a kindergarten and a building in the town of Brovary. The establishment was evacuated, specifies the regional military governor. Help is on site and local authorities are already talking about victims. The images reaching us show the extent of the flames.

09h26 : Sixteen people, including the Ukrainian interior minister Denys Monastyrskydied in the crash of a helicopter in Brovary, announces a spokesman for the Ukrainian national police.

09h05 : It’s 9 a.m., we take stock of the news:

• Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin announced the mobilization of more than 10,000 police and gendarmes to maintain order tomorrow during demonstrations against the pension reform. Follow our live.

• A helicopter crashed this morning in the town of Brovary, on the outskirts of kyiv, announced presidential adviser Kyrylo Tymoshenko. “There are victims”, he wrote. Follow our live.

• Registration on the Parcoursup post-baccalaureate admission platform begins this afternoon for senior high school students and students in reorientation. They have until March 9 inclusive to choose from among 21,000 state-recognized training courses.

• Sixteen departments are still on orange alert this morning. The reasons are varied: snow, ice, rain and floods.

09h02 : A helicopter crashed this morning near a kindergarten in the town of Brovary, on the outskirts of kyiv, announces presidential adviser Kyrylo Tymoshenko on Telegram. “There are victims”he wrote. “Ambulances, police and firefighters are working at the scene of the accident.”

07h20 : “It is not necessarily a whole system”Mark Rutte later told CNN. “It could also be equipment that is part of the system” or help with “interoperability and training”.

06h32 : The Dutch Prime Minister wants to help Ukraine equip itself with the Patriot air defense system. “We intend to join in what you are doing with Germany on the Patriot project”Mark Rutte told Joe Biden yesterday during a visit to the White House.

07h29 : Here is a first point on the titles:

• Sixteen departments are still on orange alert this morning. The reasons are varied: snow, ice, rain and floods.

• Ambulances were rushed to Sydney airport this morning when a Qantas plane arrived and sent an in-flight distress signal. The aircraft, with around 100 passengers on board, finally landed safely.

• The Dutch Prime Minister announced his “intention” to help Ukraine equip itself with the Patriot air defense system yesterday during a visit to Washington. “It is not necessarily a whole system”, said Mark Rutte. Follow our live.

• Registration on the Parcoursup post-baccalaureate admission platform begins this afternoon for senior high school students and students in reorientation. They have until March 9 inclusive to choose from among 21,000 state-recognized training courses.

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