Emmanuel Macron says he is “ready to discuss the pace and limits” of the pension reform, on which he “does not rule out” a referendum

by time news

This is one of the flagship measures and one of the most controversial measures of his program: if he is elected, Emmanuel Macron wishes to push back the retirement age to 65. Questioned on many occasions on this subject by the inhabitants of Denain (North) where he was traveling on Monday April 11, the candidate of La République en Marche returned to his proposal, Monday evening on BFM-TV, and said he was open to the discussion. “We are going to consult, we are going to collectively improve “the project, he explained, before saying to himself “ready to discuss pace and boundaries” of this measurement.

Asked about a possible referendum on this issue, Mr. Macron “don’t rule it out”. If his reform passes, the departure at 65 “will not happen before 2030”he also says.

But for him, this reform is necessary, because “the system is no longer funded today”. However, to fight against this deficit, Mr. Macron excludes “lower retirement pensions or increase workers’ contributions”.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Pension reform: economic or political necessity?

In addition to postponing the retirement age, he wants to reindex retirement pensions to inflation “from the 1is July “ if elected and “bring the minimum pension to 1,100 euros”. He also proposes to abolish all the special regimes by applying the grandfather clause – this abolition would then only apply to new entrants to the jobs concerned – as is the case with railway workers. “The special regimes no longer correspond to the reality of the country”he believes.

Read also: Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron, two diametrically opposed programs

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