Emmanuel Macron shells social and ecological measures to convince on the left

by time news

Emmanuel Macron and his supporters continued, on Wednesday April 13, to discuss several social and environmental measures, in view of the second round of the presidential election, with the aim of convincing part of the electorate of the candidate of La France insoumise , Jean-Luc Mélenchon, and environmental sympathizers.

Guest of Télématin, on France 2, Wednesday morning, the President of the Republic and candidate entered a question relating to his proposals in terms of ecology to comment: “I want to look at what, coming from other proposals, allows us to clarify this line [de lutte contre le réchauffement climatique] with ecological planning. » “That’s what Jean-Luc Mélenchon said”revived the journalist Caroline Roux. “I think the method is good”replied Mr. Macron, before immediately specifying: “I’m not going to suddenly say that I want to get out of nuclear, which was his position, because I think it’s not good for our country”.

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A few moments later, the President of the Republic also cited the proposals of the ecologist Yannick Jadot “on circular economy topics, where he wanted to go even faster than what we were doing”by mentioning ” sobriety “ energy through the renovation of housing and an electric vehicle leasing system for low-income families, as well as the deployment of renewable energies. He noted, however, “believing in the ecology of solutions”not to “degrowth projects”.

At the same time as giving pledges to the left while consolidating his support, Emmanuel Macron continued his criticism of Marine Le Pen’s program, a “extreme right project” which, according to him, “completely does not care about the IPCC report”and “Consists of dismantling wind turbines (…), that is to say spending hundreds of millions of euros to remove renewable energy sources, which is absurd, both budgetary and energetic”.

Executive compensation indexed to CSR objectives

The government spokesman and supporter of Emmanuel Macron, Gabriel Attal, for his part, declared on BFM-TV and RMC, Wednesday morning, that in the event of a second term, the current head of state wanted to put put in place a measure to “to condition the remuneration of the managers of large companies on the respect of environmental, social and societal objectives” – so many elements today included in the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR).

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“We want their remuneration to depend on the achievement by companies of these objectives, in particular environmental ones”, said Mr. Attal, without providing more details, in particular on the part of the remuneration concerned by this condition and the size of the companies which could be concerned. Emmanuel Macron had already mentioned this point in these terms, during the press conference presenting his program on March 17, qualifying the proposal as“key element for changing practices and behaviors” – she has since been present in her program.

The measure takes place in an axis of the candidate’s campaign devoted to the “better sharing of value in the company”. The current Head of State has already spoken about it, on Brut on Friday April 8, then during his first trip between the two tours, in the North, on Monday April 11. “We want to put in place a rule in the law where when a company makes profits, pays dividends, the employees also benefit. Either with employee dividends, participation, or with the famous Macron bonus, which has already been paid to four million people this year., repeated on this subject Gabriel Attal. Mr. Macron also said he wanted to triple the maximum amount of the exceptional purchasing power bonus, up to 6,000 euros, exempt from charges for the employer and tax-exempt under certain conditions for employees.

Le Monde and AFP

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