Emmanuel Macron: the French Bernard Madoff of politics

by time news

2023-06-09 20:00:00

EDITORIAL – The Ponzi pyramid is a fraud which consists, by an assembly, in remunerating the investments of people who are already customers, by the funds which are brought by the “new entrants”. For this chain to prosper, it necessarily needs new pigeons and the absence of a major crisis that would give the idea to investors to take over all, at the same timetheir capital.

Under the influence of Macronie, has France become a gigantic Ponzi pyramid? Is Emmanuel Macron the Bernard Madoff of politics?

Because behind a few promises in which only a few mild naive people no longer believe, including that of a promising “start-up nation” or an effectively waged “war” against Covid-19, there is in fact a sidereal void. financed with debt at all costs.

A void in which there is nothing more than well-oiled communication, a real canard machine, which has for example succeeded in selling public opinion the effectiveness of masks, containments and experimental vaccines. Cost of the operation? More than 400 billion in debt, not to mention the price of obscure vaccine purchase contracts that condemn us, SMS-Gate obligeto an extraordinary mismanagement.

In fact, the “newcomers” to risk themselves on this carousel that has gone crazy don’t really have a choice. The first victims are young people. No fools, they hope neither for a double-digit interest rate for their savings account, nor to take the social ladder, nor even a job for life. They are eyeing on what to survive, to study without asking for food aidwith the modest wish to enjoy life, if possible without being confined to become ill.

With the pension law passed to the forceps with all the political shenanigans possible on the part of Macronie, it is indeed them, the last to arrive on the labor market, who will be the first to bear this pharaonic debt resulting from the decisions taken without them.

Is there anything worse than the pathological need of our current leaders than to squander taxpayers’ money, which does not belong to them, but of which they are the guarantor, for purely ideological purposes?

Which ones? The management of the Covid crisis with its “whatever the cost” was one of them. The provision of unlimited military and financial aid to Ukraine, without ever consulting Parliament, is another: so many failures falsely presented as successes.

In short, it is a kind of immense financial fraud which consists in forcibly borrowing from the French, on the stock markets, fictitious money to pay for the disastrous decisions of Macronie. Not only are the French stripped of their savings, of their heritage, for vain purposes, but the generations to come find themselves in debt forcibly and for a long time.

In 2022 public spending will amount to 1500 billion or 58% of GDP – a level so high that it puts us at the highest level in the world and despite this, we see the impoverishment of public services. Always more for certainly less. In a Ponzi trap like in accounting, it’s called cavalry. And it is criminal.

We are witnessing an organized transfer of money from millions of workers, craftsmen, merchants, owners of SMEs, to the ultra-rich, powerful industrialists, investment funds and pensions. These are the latter who take full advantage of these Macronian political orientations and who took good care to become owners of so-called mainstream media. Media that installed Emmanuel Macron at the Élysée, for this purpose. Do you see the scam?

The media have in turn installed the lock of conformity and single thought, so as to avoid the famous takeover of all capital at the same time speak French. In other words, the simultaneous exercise for all citizens of their free thought and their democratic rights, in order to clean up within a system that has long since served neither public affairs nor the common interest.

From now on, criticizing the policy pursued by the government amounts to being conspiratorial. Supporting a professor of medicine, an international authority, who preferred to treat the sick rather than lock them up with a box of Doliprane and fear: that’s being a conspirator. Being against the war in Ukraine? Conspirator! And to explain to you learnedly that you are, above all if you are part of the vulgum pecus according to them, a site pompously named the Observatory of Conspiracy – Conspiracy Watch intervenes, financed by public subsidies up to 50%, for a declared budget of 230,000 euros.

Does this site have a real market, an economic reality, readers who pay for the articles, a return on investment? No. Its sole purpose is to defend this Ponzi pyramid by explaining to you that you have to accept its dysfunctions and failures of all kinds, without flinching.

Why so much resentment, bad faith and accusatory inversion ? So that the system continues and that those interested in the case cover each other. They have too much to lose: loss of situational rent and financial loss. Few experts and legitimate in their field of intervention, those who see conspirators everywhere support body and soul a system on which they are entirely dependent. To do this, they pollute information with lies and multiply attacks to man Their words become indisputable truths relayed by the mainstream media which no longer verify anything.

For now, it holds. However, in France, the pyramid is cracking. Two elements show this: the fall in the birth rate and the rise in the infant mortality rate.

The first shows the ruin of our family policy. This French specificity was not a vain expense but an investment in the future. To have gradually given up triggered a loss of confidence in the future, which goes hand in hand with an irreversible discredit of politicians.

The second – which, all things considered, remains a trend to be confirmed – echoes what the demographer Emmanuel Todd had discovered in 1976, in the USSR. The rise in infant mortality revealed a deterioration in the social system that heralded the complete collapse of the Soviet regime.

Other times, other regime: if Macron shaves for free in France, he exercises his talents within the European Union of Ursula von der Leyen.

By way of conclusion, I will end with this. Although I titled this editorial “Emmanuel Macron: the French Bernard Madoff of politics”the latter would only be a “small strike” compared to Emmanuel Macron… The 50 billion he embezzled are nothing, ultimately, compared to the hundreds and hundreds of billions squandered by Macron & Cie in public money, in a terrible version inspired by the Ponzi scheme.

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