Emmanuel Macron tries to defend his record with young people

by time news

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Telephone in hand, without a jacket, the President of the Republic reads himself the arrests of “Timick on Twitter”, “Bonpote on Instagram” or “Leandre on Snapchat”. Editing with a sickle, inlay of graphics, direct responses to Internet users, the extract takes up all the codes of famous youtubers. With even the small passage « LOL » de rigueur, when the head of state shows on his phone the mixture of his face with that of the Swedish activist Greta Thunberg. “I’m honestly not sure Greta’s pigtails look great on me”he smiles.

Sunday, November 13, the Elysée published on many social networks a video of Emmanuel Macron on the climate. Among the more than 28,000 questions asked, the President of the Republic and his team selected eight. Objective: to defend its record on this subject of particular concern for a large part of young people. “We are not there yet, that is to say we are not doing enough, but we are making progress”, affirms the Head of State, before mentioning the total or partial thermal renovation of a million buildings, the deployment of 22,000 kilometers of cycle paths, the fight against waste in school canteens…

With a direct tone intended to convince young people, for example on the double condemnation of France for its climate inaction (in November 2020 by the Council of State and in October 2021 by the administrative court of Paris in “The Affair of the century the main period covered was 2015-2018). “So you’re very sympathetic, Melvak, for trying to twitter me.slips Mr. Macron. But the condemnation for climate inaction is rather for the period before, not for my apple. »

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Executive tries to respond to criticism for ‘climate inaction’

This video is the first in a series, explains the Elysée, which has not given up its ambition to make this file exist in the midst of other crises, such as inflation or the war in Ukraine. For a week, the executive has indeed multiplied. Monday, November 7, Emmanuel Macron attended the opening of COP27, in Egypt, where he supported the ban on the exploitation of the deep seabed. The next day, he received representatives from the 50 most polluting sites, “a huge challenge because they represent 10% of CO emissions2 », we argue at the Elysée. On Monday November 14, the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, deployed ecological planning on the ground, making Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur a pilot region, and participated in an anticipation program devoted to the climate in France in 2050, on BFM-TV.

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