Emmanuel Macron wants “a strong and clear majority” in the National Assembly and denounces “extremes which propose to add crisis to crisis”

by time news

Three days before the first round of the legislative elections, Emmanuel Macron is sparing no effort to criticize the left-wing alliance formed by the New Popular Ecological and Social Union (Nupes) and led by Jean-Luc Mélenchon. The day after a trip to Seine-Saint-Denis, during which he spoke to young people and dismissed the National Rally (RN) and Nupes back to back, Mr. Macron continued in this direction on Thursday June 9. , during his trip to the Tarn.

The President of the Republic castigated the “extreme” who “propose to add crisis to crisis by revisiting the great historical choices of our nation”asking the electorate to grant him “a strong and clear majority” to the legislative ones. “I want to alert the French to the importance of the choice they will have to make (…). The election of deputies is decisive. Balances that will emerge in the Assembly also depend on the destiny of France and the daily life of each. » This is why, according to Mr. Macron, the next few days “represent a serious moment for France”.

Due to the breakthrough in the Nupes polls, neck and neck in the polls with the presidential majority, Mr. Macron attacked without naming them this coalition and the RN of Marine Le Pen, who want, according to him, “return to the alliances which, like NATO [Organisation du traité de l’Atlantique Nord], ensure collective security and protect peoples” at the time ” where [il] speaks with Russia which massacres civilians in Ukraine ».

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“Weakening the unity of the country”

“The moment we are living in is a crucial moment, the last few months have accelerated things”insisted Mr. Macron during his speech, referring in particular to the “geopolitical mess”le “disorder of life”le “climate disorder” or le “social disorder and values”.

“It is as if the order in which we live, this whole order is unravelingcontinued the Head of State. This gives our compatriots the impression of losing control and having this feeling of vulnerability, sometimes of great swing. » For Mr. Macron, “Faced with this context, the extremes propose to add crisis to crisis”added the president, targeting in particular Mr. Mélenchon and Mr.me Le Pen, whom he accuses of “to weaken the unity of the country”.

Read our story: Article reserved for our subscribers Between closed doors and anesthetized debates, the non-existent legislative campaign

“We can carry out projects, innovate while respecting the balance of landscapes and naturehe estimated. But to fight against everything is to decide to weaken the Republic in its ambitions. »

For the Head of State, “there is no social progress” sans “created wealth”. “Nothing would be more dangerous than to add to the world disorder a French disorder that the extremes propose”he insisted. “In this delicate period, France needs not alliances of circumstance, ideas sacrificed for positions, postures, but consistency, competence and confidence”Mr. Macron continued.

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“Submission, disorder, division”

Calling never “dealing with those who question the fundamental values ​​of the Republic”Mr. Macron said he wanted “for the country of deputies capable of uniting with the president”. “We must always prefer independence, order, unity to submission, disorder, division. Choosing a project for the future over the solutions of the past »he launched.

At the start of his speech, he paid tribute to all “the elected officials of the Republic” and mentioned the “security forces that protect us”. “Our gendarmes count neither their hours nor their courage to reduce delinquency”he greeted, believing that “the results are there with the drop in burglaries”.

Referring to the death of Lieutenant-Colonel Arnaud Beltrame, in March 2018 in Carcassonne, during a terrorist attack, Mr. Macron said “having forgotten nothing of these moments and this commitment”. “Our gendarmes show professionalism at all times”he continued, before attacking without naming him Mr. Mélenchon and his remarks on the “police that kill”held after the death of a passenger during a traffic check in Paris.

“I hear that words are rising. It’s normal during an election period, but there are things I can’t accept, it’s that we insult those who risk their lives to protect ourslaunched Mr. Macron. For a nation to be united, we must absolutely defend our gendarmes and our police officers. » He thus has « assured [sa] faithful gratitude [aux] law enforcement “.

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Several priority projects “from this summer”

He also put forward his proposals and addressed the issue of purchasing power, while inflation reached more than 5% over one year. According to him, his government has already provided “an unprecedented solution”with notably ” the shield [tarifaire] which has prevented the price of gas from soaring”. Mr. Macron now wishes “a right accompaniment from summer”. The Head of State praised his proposal for an employee dividend for “to allow companies that make profits to be able to better share it through participation or through the purchasing power bonus”. “Through this mechanism, we will be able to gain more purchasing power through work”he explained, also promising an increase in minimum retirement pensions to 1,100 euros.

Mr. Macron reaffirmed his wish to set up “ecological planning starting this summer to go much faster and much stronger”. An ambition that will go through a “Energy transition planning with the territories in a real revolution of our daily life to move, to stay”.

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He finally exposed his ” method “saying want “build the framework of a national method but be able to apply it locally in the 1,200 living areas. (…) Your problems in the Tarn have nothing to do with those of Cherbourg, where I was last week”. « To reorganize the health supply of a territory, it must be done in consultation with doctors, nurses, pharmacists, physiotherapists, elected officials. As for the school, it is necessary to bring around a table the teachers, the parents of pupils, the elected officials and ask them to build very concrete solutions “he continued.

A pension reform “from the summer of 2023”

The Head of State returned to the “National Refoundation Council” that he wants to implement “from the next few weeks”. “We will bring together all the social, associative and political forces, to be able to build the national framework to share the observation and then locally build solutions on the ground”, he said. The President of the Republic wishes “associate more, give more freedom by assuming more investments”.

To can “fund these projects”Mr. Macron believes that the only way is “to move towards full employment and help all those who are not there return to work”. The Head of State also mentioned the pension reform, which he wishes to apply “from summer 2023”. For him, “work longer” is the “the only way to finance solidarity for the youngest and the oldest “, he added before closing his speech.

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A few minutes after Mr. Macron’s speech, the leader of La France insoumise (LFI) mocked in return Together!, the coalition of parties (La République en Marche, the Democratic Movement or Horizons) which aims to bring together the presidential majority . During a press conference, Mr. Mélenchon ” guest ” The head of state “to find out about the circumstantial alliance that has been formed around him, despite deep differences over his age [légal de départ à] of retirement. Macron wants 65, while Edouard Philippe is for 67, he attacked. For Mr. Mélenchon, “It is not up to the President of the Republic to lead the legislative campaign that his friends are not capable of leading. It is up to the head of government to do so”.

During his speech, the deputy (LFI) of Bouches-du-Rhône, who is not standing, denounced “the feverishness” of the President of the Republic and his “your painful to bear”. While Mr. Macron criticized Mr. Mélenchon’s remarks on “the police who kill”the latter regrets that his competitor « n’[ait] not had a word for the hospital workers, not had a word for the diplomats who carried out a massive strike to denounce the destruction of their profession and the French diplomatic network, not had a moment for the students of the new ENA”. “Nobody insulted the police, but I took the responsibility of denouncing a doctrine of employment of the maintenance of order which led to violence at the Stade de France, to brutalization at Gare de l’Est and which , in four months, caused four deaths for refusing to comply”continued Mr. Mélenchon.

Three days before the legislative elections, he mocked “the panic effect” of the Head of State whom he compared to that “by Valéry Giscard d’Estaing forty years ago”before the election of François Mitterrand in 1981.

Read also: According to Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Emmanuel Macron “is paralyzed and no longer knows what to do”

The World with AFP

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