Emmanuel Macron wants to index pensions to inflation “from this summer” and reform them in the fall

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Emmanuel Macron does not want to hang around. The president, candidate for re-election, has promised “to index pensions to inflation from this summer” instead of waiting until January 1 if he is re-elected, and wishes to begin the pension reform at age 65 “as soon as autumn”, in interviews on TF1 and Le Figaro.

Asked about TF1 on Wednesday evening, the candidate explained that he wanted to revalue pensions on inflation from the summer “given the prices” which have jumped due to the war in Ukraine. He also promised to “maintain a shield for the price of gas and electricity” and to “maintain the rebate at the pump” if prices continue to rise.

Emmanuel Macron also wants to grant as of this summer “for the self-employed, reductions in charges” and the possibility for companies to pay a premium without charge or tax, with a triple ceiling.

“Consultation phase with the social partners” on pensions

In an interview with Le Figaro, Emmanuel Macron also specified that he wanted to launch “the major projects” of his five-year term “from the first year”, referring to school, health, retirement, autonomy and justice. “For pensions, there will be a consultation phase with the social partners. But the mandate is clear (…) it must be next fall, ”he maintained.

“I still have an intact energy, which allows me to do things in a clearer and clearer way than five years ago,” assured the president-candidate. He also considered that “in the field of immigration, the results are insufficient”, but that “our country is not overwhelmed, as some claim, and zero immigration is neither realistic nor desirable. “. And to add that he wanted to “facilitate the return to their country of origin of foreigners without title”.

Macron tackles Le Pen

Emmanuel Macron also felt that the current fundamentals of the “extreme right” – a term he systematically uses to talk about Marine Le Pen – “are always the same: the attacks and the rejection of the Republic, a basis for anti-Semitism – if not claimed at least cultivated – a very clear xenophobia and a desire for ultra-conservatism”.

The president-candidate also mentioned Nicolas Sarkozy, who did not support the right-wing candidate LR Valérie Pécresse. “On the question of work and merit, to take just one example, I find myself in what President Sarkozy defended,” he said.

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