Emmanuel Macron will go to the Asia-Pacific summit, an unprecedented invitation for a French president

by time news

French President Emmanuel Macron will travel to Bangkok on November 18 for the annual summit of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum, a region made a priority by French diplomacy, we learned from the Elysée on Wednesday.

“This first invitation addressed to a French Head of State since the creation of this organization in 1989 reflects the progress made since the launch of an Indo-Pacific strategy in 2018, as well as the potential for new cooperation in this region which covers 93 % of the French exclusive economic zone, and where 1.5 million of our compatriots reside, in particular in New Caledonia, French Polynesia, Wallis-and-Futuna, Mayotte and Reunion Island”, declared the French presidency to AFP.

Emmanuel Macron will participate in this meeting in the wake of the G20 summit in Indonesia. He “will exchange with our partners on new projects in the Indo-Pacific”, according to the Elysée. France is showing more and more its desire to invest in the Asia-Pacific region, the scene of growing rivalries between China and the United States.

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