Emotions: How to “read” those around you

by time news

2023-11-18 13:39:08

We express our feelings in different ways, but understanding them is one of the “keys” to good communication, since it can help us understand what those around us are feeling even if they can’t find the words to express it.

But how easy is it to “read” others?

Non-verbal communication through facial expressions

By looking at a person’s face during a conversation you can get a lot of information about their emotional state.

Our faces can express the emotions we are experiencing at a given moment.

Even if we don’t speak the same language as someone, if we can decode their facial expressions, we more or less understand what they are trying to say.

So what do they reveal:

The eyebrows

A raised eyebrow can simply mean surprise.

When one feels angry, one tends to “frown”. The same can happen if he feels sorry.


When we feel sad or angry and don’t want to show it to others we can fake a smile, but it is often noticed.

Lip biting could be a tell-tale sign of stress, and pursed lips can mean disgust.

Try to be objective when you “read” the emotions of the people around you

When trying to recognize the feelings of others, you must first learn how to remain objective and open-minded.

Your past experiences and personal feelings should not influence your opinion. Being critical of the people around you can cause you to misinterpret their true intentions.

In short, when you want to interpret facial expressions and body language, try to leave any preconceived notions out.

Notice people’s eyes

The eyes are the mirror of the soul and most of the time they bear witness to our true feelings. They can convey excitement, disbelief, satisfaction, fear, etc. They are considered the most “genuine” part of our body that we cannot control with our logic.

Pupil size can also reflect our emotions. When someone feels happy, the pupils of the eyes involuntarily dilate while they contract when they feel sad.

When the pupil shifts from one side to the other, it can mean that the person is indecisive, confused or insecure.

When a person consistently maintains intense eye contact, they may be trying to appear intimidating while avoiding eye contact may indicate dishonesty.

When a person feels happy and smiles, their eyes get smaller. Conversely, when angry, deep frown lines or bulging eyes may appear.

And their attitude

Posture can also help us identify positive and negative emotions.

If someone holds their head up, it probably means they are confident. When a person is “slanted,” it can indicate shyness or low self-esteem.

When a person has their hands on their hips, it can mean that they are angry or wish to dominate the situation.

Trust your gut

When you meet a person for the first time, your gut speaks to you before you even have time to think.

It is a primal response that our body has and uses for self-protection. Just by relying on instinct we could easily interpret the emotional atmosphere surrounding a person and it can tell us whether we feel comfortable around someone or not.

Notice the energy around the people you talk to or interact with.

The pressure during a handshake could, for example, convey hidden feelings. A firm grip is often a sign of confidence. A hug is a great way to show affection.

A quick pat on the back could mean on the other hand that this person is uncomfortable with you.

In addition, pay attention to:

In the tone of voice

Our tone of voice often represents our emotional state.

The way we speak can express how we feel and affect how others react to us.

High frequency or volume can send negative emotional “vibes” while a soft tone is more welcoming.

In the appearance

How a person looks says a lot about how they feel.

Stress, anger and fatigue can put a lot of weight on the face and cause visible wrinkles due to frowning.

Our clothes also often reflect our goals, values ​​and attitude. So are the tattoos we choose to get or the accessories we choose to wear.

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