Empagua presents the CZ Norte project that doubles the water supply in four areas of the capital

by time news

2023-06-12 17:49:00

As part of the concern that all residents of the city have drinking water, the Municipal Water Company of Guatemala City (POWDER), presented the CZ Norte project, which doubles the water supply towards zones 17, 18, 21 and 25.

The supply and quality of water received by the residents of these important areas of the municipality was improved, who already have the service to cover your personal and home needs.

In addition to the residents of the aforementioned zones, the residents of zones 1, 2, 3 and 6 are also indirectly favored, indicated the EMPAGUA authorities.

Project presentation

The media witnessed the presentation of the CZ Norte project in an activity held on June 2. The day began in Munitec in zone 21 where details of the work were given.

Engineer Joel Zamora, Subdirector of EMPAGUA Groundwater Production Sources, presented the process of groundwater sources for supplying Guatemala City.

While the engineer Diego Marroquín, Director of the Administration of the EMPAGUA Network, gave the details of the project in its different phases and the benefits for the population.

Afterwards, a tour was carried out in the Ojo de Agua Pumping System to learn in detail the process of purification of groundwater that guarantees the quality of the service.

Zamora showed the facilities and provided detailed information about the procedures and technologies used to ensure that the water served to the homes of the capital guarantees the health of consumers.

Meanwhile, Crista Foncea, General Manager of EMPAGUA, answered some questions from the journalists and took the opportunity to highlight a fundamental aspect: water does not recognize municipal limits.

In this sense, he reaffirmed “EMPAGUA’s commitment to innovation, sustainability and transparency in all its actions”.

These activities and approaches of EMPAGUA with the media have the objective of “strengthening the relationship and collaboration between both parties. The company recognizes the fundamental role of journalists in bringing information about their projects and processes to the population of Guatemala City “, the authorities said.

“By maintaining open and constant communication, EMPAGUA seeks to generate awareness of the importance of sustainable water management and highlight the tangible benefits that their projects bring to the community. EMPAGUA reaffirms its commitment to continue working tirelessly to provide a better service to all its users,” he added.

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