Former Adore employee B, who reported Adore executive A for sexual harassment, revealed that “executive A said he was withdrawing his apology.”
On the 17th, Mr. B announced on his Instagram, “Executive Mr. A sent a long 2,000-character KakaoTalk message early this morning, protesting that my apology was being misused, and cancelled my extensive admission and apology.”
He then warned, “Regarding this report of workplace bullying, Executive A said, ‘This is bullying and it’s too much,’ and I’m confused as to whether I am the perpetrator. However, since he has withdrawn his apology, I will also actively take necessary measures.”
Person B explained, “Since there were expressions in the article that I did not use, I requested an immediate correction for that part and took action.” He added, “The derivative article that I did not interview directly will be corrected during the week. Although it was an expression that I did not use, I apologized to Executive A for taking responsibility for providing the cause.”
Person B reported Person A for workplace bullying and sexual harassment while working at Adore and resigned. Person B recently claimed on her Instagram that Adore CEO Min Hee-jin “actively claimed that Person A was innocent when I reported her, and in the process, she insulted me in every way.”
Afterwards, CEO Min Hee-jin refuted Mr. B’s claims on her social media account, saying, “The case was closed with no charges, and I realized that the root of the problem was a result of accumulated dissatisfaction.”
Afterwards, Mr. B posted on his Instagram, “Summary of reactions after my statement was posted ▲Executive: I’m sorry. 1 long KakaoTalk message ▲Hive: I’m sorry + DM that I will reinvestigate ▲Min Hee-jin: You didn’t do your job, are you Hive? 77 KakaoTalk messages + current statement.”
However, after Mr. B’s post, it was reported that Mr. A withdrew his apology, and attention is focused on the future situation.
(Seoul = News 1)
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